Clerk: Mrs Lesley Cooper

Low Marshside.


Millom, Cumbria,

LA18 5HA

Telephone: 01229 775492


25 October 2021

Dear Councillor

You are summonsed to attend the Meeting of Millom Without Parish Council on TUESDAY 2ND NOVEMBER 2021 at Thwaites Village Hall, The Green at commencing 7.30pm. PLEASE NOTE Due to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases within Cumbria anyone attending this meeting are asked to continue with social distancing guidelines.

Yours sincerely

Mrs L Cooper

Clerk to the Council


1.APOLOGIES – to receive apologies for absence

2.Exclusion of Press and Public (Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960)

To consider whether there are any agenda items during consideration of which the press and public should be excluded.”


To receive declarations, by elected and co-opted members, of interests in respect of items on this agenda.

4.To AUTHORISE THE MINUTES of the following Parish Council Meeting held on 4h October 2021

4.1To authorise as a correct record, the minutes of the Meeting held on 4th October 2021

5.POLICE LIASON REPORT (previously circulated)


To Receive for information and/or determine action, as appropriate, on the items in the following reports:



The chairman will invite residents to make representations on any item on this agenda or to bring matters to the attention of the Council for consideration for inclusion in a future agenda.


To receive for information items relevant to the Parish. (Items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.

9.Applications for Development

9.1To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority:

7/2021/4101 Nant, 4 Duddon Court, Duddon Hall

Proposal: 1) Replacement of Juliet balcony double doors, 2) Addition of 2 wooden slats to garage doors 3) Internal installation of white/mirrored fitted wardrobes in main bedroom 4)

Exterior repointing of rear (kitchen) wall (retrospective) and 5) Repainting/treament of exterior woodwork (doors/windows) and Juliet balcony metalwork railings, colours to match original, plus some internal patching work

4/21/2463 Underhill Cottage, The Hill

Conversion of existing 1st floor balcony into a first floor sun room and ground floor lobby

4/21/2466 Underwood, the Hill

Various works to trees covered by a tree preservation order

9.2To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since last meeting.

9.3To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

4/21/2218 Low Shaw Farm, The Green

Erect Cattle cubicle building with underfloor slurry store Approved

10.2To note the receipt of payments

10.3To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements dated 30 September 2021

10.5To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 October 2021 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

10.6To receive the draft budget and approve

10.7To determine and approve the precept for the financial year 2022/23

11.Parish Matters, Council Priorities and Supporting Organisation

11.1Community Plan

a)Parish seats update – Cllr Nugent

b)Lime kiln

c)Woodland management

11.2Parish Projects

i)Bus Shelters (Cllr Gray) – update on progress

ii)Additional waste bins/update on Buckman Brow bin

iii)Queens Jubilee – Millom TC joining in

11.3Policies and Procedures and Consultations

a) Geological Disposal Facility - Feedback from meeting of 1 November 2021 b) To note consultation submissions:

Copeland Local Plan

Transport Infrastructure Consultation

NALC Consultation Nature Recovery Strategy

11.4Sub- Group Reports

a) Road Safety Group

Report back on Speed Monitors from Ghyll Scaur Quarry Liaison Committee b) Environment Group:

Recycling Community Issues

Report back on Community Environment Group

11.5To approve the meeting dates for 2022

12.To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies


To discuss any correspondence received for open discussion

All other correspondence to be circulated in the normal manner for Council’s perusal.

14.Councillor Matters

An opportunity for Councillors to raise minor matters, not on this agenda, on behalf of residents

(Note. No discussion or decisions can be made on these matters but the Clerk may make investigations and/or they may be placed on a future agenda of the Council)


To confirm the date of the next meeting