Minutes 7/9/2020



PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair) Cllr I Lockwood, Cllr G Napoletani, Cllr J Gray, Cllr B Wright, Cllr A Nugent, Cllr N Gamble, and Cllr A Calsy

Cty Cllr K Hitchen

54/20 Apologies: Cllr M Kitchingman and Cllr P Murray

55/20 Exclusion of Press and Public

There were no items on the agenda that would require the exclusion of the press and public.


Cllr Savage declared an interest in Agenda item 11,1(a) Play area – progress report and update on planning application

Cllr Gamble declared an interest in Agenda item 11.2 (i) Approval and launch of new Parish Council Website

57/20 Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th July 2020.

The minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2020 were approved and will be signed by the Chair at the next appropriate meeting.

Proposed by Cllr Lockwood, seconded by Cllr Nugent

58/20 Police Liaison Report

Reports had been previously distributed.


44/20.1 Update Covid-19 local volunteer group

Cllr Calsy reported that the volunteer group was stood down in August. She stated that it may have to reinstate should there be a second wave. It was agreed that she would feedback at the next meeting on any plans to support social isolation if required for the winter months.



Cty Cllr Hitchen reported that the West Cumbria Mining Application was to be discussed at a development control meeting on 2 October 2020 and if not resolved at that meeting would be determined at a further meeting the following week.

Cllr Savage asked for an update with regards the plans for a unitary council. Cllr Hitchen responded that CCC had submitted a proposal for one unitary authority with stronger links to Town and Parish Councils and to devolve powers to localities. Copeland BC and others Borough councils still to submit their proposals. The Chair asked that Cllr Hitchen keep the council updated on the progress of this,

The Chair thanked Cllr Hitchen for his report who then left the meeting.


62/20.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority


Minutes 7/9/2020

4/20/2317 Herons Reach, The Green

Remove existing conservatory and replace with a sun room extension The council resolved to support this application

4/20/2313 Westbury. Green Road, The Green Extend existing garage

The council resolved to support this application

62/20.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.


62/20.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

4/20/2217/0F1 Bracken Beck, Underhill, Erect roof over existing sheep pens Approve (commence within 3 years)

Proposed by Cllr Gray and Seconded by Cllr Lockwood that the payments be approved.

The Chair proposed that as per the NALC National salary scales that had recently been received that the Clerk’s hourly rate be increased £0.31p per hour to £11.53 back dated to 1 April 2020. The Clerk to submit the additional pay to the October meeting.

Proposed by Cllr Lockwood, Seconded by Cllr Napoletani

63/20.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements dated 31 July 2020

This had been verified by Cllr Kitchingman and signed off as correct

63/20.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 August 2020 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

None required.

64/20 PARISH MATTERS 64/20.1 Community Plan

a)Play area planning update

Cllr Nugent reported that there would be a 6 – 8 week lead time from placing the order to work commencing. Monies had now been secured.

The Clerk reported that Sport England had been in contact with Copeland BC planning dept to state that the proposed play area was too close to the soccer pitch. It was agreed to await the report from Sport England before making a decision on how to address the issues raised.

b)Litter Picking

Cllr Calsy reported that no arranged litter picking had taken place although some individuals were undertaking their own. It was noted that there was the promotion of a Cumbria wide litter pick from 11 – 27 September 2020.


Minutes 7/9/2020

The Clerk to chase up again for litter bins to be placed at the Pinnel Hole and Green Road Station.

64/20.2 Parish Projects


Cllr Gamble reported that work had now been completed on the new website and was awaiting comments. The go live date was 20 September 2020. The chair thanked him for his work on this project.

b)Hedge laying – Pinnel Hole

Cllr Gray stated that it had been agreed in 2019 to lay the hedge at the Pinnel Hole. Cllr Gray to seek advice on scope etc.

c)Mains gas

Cllr Gray had been investigating the possible installation as per the Community Plan. He was still collating information, but expected that it would be cost prohibitive.

d)Bus Shelters

Cllr Gray reported that he was meeting with the works manager at the Prison to discuss taking the project forward.

e)Protective covers for trees

The Clerk was asked to source.

64/20.3 Policies, Procedures and Consolations

a)Review of Policies

Cllr Gray put forward a recommendation regarding the management and reviewing of policies.

Proposed by Cllr Gamble and seconded by Cllr Lockwood that a sub-committee be responsible for the management of policies.

b)South Lakeland Local Plan Review Cllr Lockwood to review

c)Emergency Plan Review

This to be reviewed by Cllrs Savage, Lockwood and Calsy

65/20 Reports from outside Bodies

Millom Stronger Town Fund – Cllr Savage reported that an informal consultation was being undertaken with individuals to get views on what they thought was required. Duddon Estuary Partnership – Cllr Savage reported that this group may be folding.


The clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received: None


Cllr Savage reported that a meeting had been held with the residents of Mill Park and investigations were being undertaken as to who own pieces of land.

Cllr Nugent reported that she had tried to improve the notice board at The Hill with backing paper. Rain was still coming in for the back and suggested that a roof/lid over the top of the board may address the issue. Cllr Gray volunteered to look into the matter.

Cllr Gray stated that there have been signs of development being undertaken at Applehead Farm and asked if there had been a planning application received. The Clerk to check.

Cllr Lockwood stated that the recent breakdown of tele-communications and wi-fi in the village had been poorly communicated and had not been handled well by OpenReach. He asked if this could be considered to be included in the Emergency Plan and be added to the next Agenda


Minutes 7/9/2020

Cllr Napoletani reported that the gate by the cattle grid at Green Road Station was broken and required reporting. She was asked to photograph the problem and email it to the clerk to report. It was unclear whether it would be Cumbria CC or Network Rails responsibility

Cllr Napoletani reported that a fence had now been placed around the abandoned vehicles on Middle Cut. The Clerk confirmed that no response had been received from CBC.

Cllr Calsy asked if she could attend the Good Councillor courses in November

Cllr Gamble asked if he could attend the Good Councillor course

Cllr Gamble asked for an update on traffic management. PCSO Booth has suggested that individuals complain about speeding and poor driving practices. To be placed on the next agenda.

68/20 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 5 October 2020 via telephone conference call at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 2107 hrs