Minutes 7/6/21



PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair), Cllr B Wright, Cllr J Gray, Cllr I Lockwood, Cllr M Kitchingman, Cllr C Carrington, and Cllr N Gamble

21/21 Apologies: Cllr A Nugent, Cllr P Murray, Cllr A Calsy, Cty Cllr K Hitchen, B Cllr G McGrath

22/21 Exclusion of Press and Public

There were no items on the agenda that would require the exclusion of the press and public.


Cllr Wright declared an interest in Planning Application 4/21/2218

24/21 Minutes of Meeting held on 6th May 2021.

The minutes were approved were signed by the Chair. Proposed by Cllr Lockwood, Seconded by Cllr Wright

The Chair signed all the minutes that had been approved during the period when remote meetings only were permitted.

25/21 Police Liaison Report

A report had been previously circulated.

26/21 PROGRESS REPORTS 26/21.1 Hodgson Terrace

The Clerk had undertaken a leaflet drop and had not received any responses. After discussion it was resolved that this was a primary route and the light served the highway and not any footway and therefore was the responsibility of Copeland and Cumbria Highways.

Proposed Cllr Gray, Seconded Cllr Gamble

26/21.2 Travellers Site

The Clerk was requested to contact CBC for an update on this.




Cty Cllr Hitchen had sent a report via the chair that a decision on the Middle Cut project was to be made on 11 June 2021 and if there was no call-in confirmation of the project would be around the 17 June 2021


29/21.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority

4/21/2218 Low Shaw Farm, the Green

Erect Cattle Cubicle Building including underfloor slurry store The council resolved to support this application.


Minutes 7/6/21

29/21.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.


29/21.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications


This is to replace the cheque issued on May 5th 2021. The Clerk had been notified via email that the incorrect amount had been quoted in that the new added Play area had not been included in the renewal quotation

This is a replacement for cheque number 101 which was not received by Marmax nor as it been presented for payment

Payment Proposed by Cllr Gray, Seconded by Cllr Carrington 30/21.2 To note the receipt of payments


30/21.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements dated 30 April 2021

No transactions had been undertaken within that period

30/21.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 30 April 2021 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

A copy of the 2021/22 budget was presented to each councillor present. No actions required

30/19.5 To approve the report from the Internal Auditor

The Clerk read out the report of the Internal auditor. The following actions required

a)Cheque stubs to be initialled by bank signatories when signing cheques

b)Overpayment on Clerks salary totally £3 during 2020/21 to be re-imbursed by the Clerk. The Clerk confirmed that this was deducted from the payment authorised

at this meeting.

30/19.6 To approve the Annual Accounting Statement and submission

The accounting statement for 2020/21 was presented to the council and signed by the Chair

Proposed by Cllr Gamble, seconded by Cllr Carrington

31/21 PARISH MATTERS 31/21.1 Community Plan

a)Heritage Trail

Cllr Calsy had sent a report that progress was being made on the leaflet

b)Road Safety Issues

Oaks – the clerk reported that this had been passed onto building control at CBC The clerk was asked to pursue this.

Speed Indicators – Cllr Savage reported that he was awaiting a response from CCC as to the traffic speed indicators

c)Middle Cut

See 28/21 above

d)Build Back Better


Minutes 7/6/21

Cllr Savage reported that the Meeting with Trudy Harrison MP went ahead and a presentation made re the community plan. An action list has been produced by Mrs Harrison but as yet no time scales.

e)Play Park Opening Event

Cllr Nugent is pursuing price for display boards showing donators

A member of the public is wishing to make a donation towards a bench for the area

Press will be invited to attend. Cllr Nugent to liaise with school.

f)Parish Seats

Update at the July meeting

g)Cycling event

Cllr Gamble gave an update on the progress of the event. Buzz cycles to attend both days. Interest has already been expressed in the workshops. There are plans for an advanced course to which a fee may be charged.

Safe cycling talk with Thwaites School – Cllr Nugent to liaise

2 local cycle groups undertaking a ride on both days under their insurers Subject to current covid restrictions workshops limited to 20 people.

Proposal of a course on field for children to ride on.

32/21.2 Parish Projects

a)Bus Shelters

Cllr Gray reported that there had been good progress. Work on The Hill bus shelter was now complete. Struggling to find a joiner to make the new frame for The Green bus shelter.

The Hill notice board is being repaired and refurbished and will be placed in the bus shelter.

The Green notice board to be placed in that bus shelter Community should be asked what they would like to use them for.

b)Hill Brow

The Clerk reported that the owner of the memorial had been contacted and a compromise reached. The wooden surround would be removed, the plants would stay.`

c)Additional waste bins

Cllr Gamble stated that he had been approached by residents requesting additional waste bin on Green Road opposite the Pump House for dog

walkers to dispose of waste. The Clerk to obtain costs and report back

32/21.3 Consultations

a)GDF Feedback

Cllr Savage reported that the issue of Ghyll Scaur and the blight on house purchases was brought up in a meeting with RWM. They have agreed to remove all mentions of Ghyll Scaur from their documentation. The Initial Evaluation Report has a new title and is listed as South Copeland and the adjacent inshore area

A road show hosted by RWM is planned at Thwaites Village Hall in late July

b)LDNP Partnership Plan consultation

Cllr Savage to prepare a submission and circulate

c)Rural Broadband

Cllr Gamble had submitted the response to the NALC consultation

No response was made to the consultation on masts

32/21.4 Parish Matters

a)Parking of HGVs at The Green. Cllr Savage reported that he had noted an increase in the number of HGV trailers and skip lorries being parked outside the

village hall. To be monitored

33/21 Reports from outside Bodies



Minutes 7/6/21


The following correspondence had been received:



Cllr Carrington reported that there were problems of walkers trespassing on his land due to a blocked footpath. He is pursuing this with the National Trust and will consider placing his own signage directing walkers away from his property and towards the footpath past the blockage.

Cllr Gamble reported that he had had informal discussions with a litter picking group who can’t do the A595 for safety reasons but would do the Dunningwell Road, Thwaites Fell and Corney Fell road.

Cllr Kitchingman raised concerns about the traffic lights at Duddon Bridge being out of sync. Clerk to report

36/21 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 5 July 2021 Thwaites Village Hall at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 20.56