Minutes 2/11/21




PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair), Cllr I Lockwood, Cllr A Calsy, Cllr C Carrington, Cllr A Nugent, Cllr P Murray, Cllr J Gray and Cllr M Kitchingman,

82/21 Apologies: from Cllr B Wright and Cllr N Gamble accepted and approved by the council

83/21 Exclusion of Press and Public

There were no items on the agenda that would require the exclusion of the press and public.



85/21 Minutes of Meeting held on 4th October 021.

The minutes were approved and were signed by the Chair.

Proposed by Cllr Calsy, Seconded by Cllr Gray

86/21 Police Liaison Report

A report had been previously circulated and noted


E-banking – Cllr Savage reported that this was not possible with the Cumberland. He has requested that the Clerk be added to the list of approved signatories.




None received


90/21.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority

7/2021/4101 Nant, 4 Duddon Court, Duddon Hall

Proposal: 1) Replacement of Juliet balcony double doors, 2) Addition of 2 wooden slats to garage doors 3) Internal installation of white/mirrored fitted wardrobes in main bedroom 4) Exterior repointing of rear (kitchen) wall (retrospective) and 5) Repainting/treatment of exterior woodwork (doors/windows) and Juliet balcony metalwork railings, colours to match original, plus some internal patching work

The Council resolved to support this application 4/21/2463 Underhill Cottage, The Hill

Conversion of existing 1st floor balcony into a first floor sun room and ground floor lobby

The Council resolved to support this application

4/21/2466 Underwood, the Hill

Various works to trees covered by a tree preservation order The council resolved to support this application

90/21.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.


90/21.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

4/21/2218 Low Shaw Farm, The Green

Erect Cattle cubicle building with underfloor slurry store Approved

4/21/2302 Underwood, The Hill Single storey side extension


Minutes 2/11/21

The Clerk reported that a Land Licence fee was still outstanding even though reminders had been sent. The council resolved that a Final Demand letter be sent.

91/21.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements dated 30 September 2021

Verified by Cllr Kitchingman

91/21.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 October 2021 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

None required

91/21.5 To approve the budget for 2022/23

The Clerk had previously circulated the impact on a budget of including the footway lights.

It was resolved that the project budget would remain at £5000, £1750 of which would be ring fenced for any costs associated with Local Government Reorganisation and this was deemed as a prudent step in light of unknown costs which may fall on the Parish Council.

The expenditure budget was approved of £11780.58 for financial year 2022/23 Proposed by Cllr Lockwood, Seconded by Cllr Gray

91/21.6 To determine the precept for 2022/23

It was resolved that the precept for 2022/23 would be £12000 an annual increase of £3.12 on a band D property

Proposed by Cllr Gray, Seconded by Cllr Calsy

92/21 PARISH MATTERS 92/21.1 Community Plan

a)Parish Seats

Cllr Nugent reported that the one by the bridge at The Green had been repainted and others had been identified which would also be repainted in the Spring

b)Lime Kiln

Cllr Murray reported that the land owner had granted permission to tidy the site and make it more attractive. Work had already been started on the removal of ivy and tidying the site.

c)Woodland Management

Cllr Gray reported that a bare tree review would be undertaken in December/January on the trees at Hill Brow and the Pinnel Hole to report back to

the February 2022 meeting

92/21.2 Parish Projects

a)Bus Shelters

Cllr Gray reported that the wood for The Green shelter had been primed and ready for the construction of the window frames which would be in place by 4 November 2021

b)Additional waste bins/Buckman’s Brow bin Deferred to next meeting

c)Queens Jubilee

A local landowner had agreed for a beacon to be built on their land and would organise it. It was determined that this would not be a public event. A request had been received from Millom Town Council to be party to this and

this was declined.

92/21.3 Consultations


Minutes 2/11/21

a)GDF Feedback meeting of 1 November 2021

Cllr Savage gave feedback to the council of the meeting attended where it was announced the formation of the Community Partnership. Members of the partnership would include Copeland BC, Whicham PC, Millom TC and Millom without PC and RWM. Other parishes and interested partners may be invited at a later date.

A number of questions had been submitted and were awaiting a written response. An offer had been made to speak directly with parishes and this can only proceed if the Developer (RWM) are open to a positive dialogue on the matters raised at the meeting.

b)To note consultation submissions made by the Parish Council:

Copeland Local Plan

Transport Infrastructure Consultation

NALC Consultation Nature Recovery Strategy

92/21.4 Sub Group Reports

a)Road Safety Sub Group

Cllr Savage reported that 2 x £3.75k solar powered speed monitors had been approved by Ghyll Scaur Quarry and ordered with Cumbria CC. Awaiting installation by CC Highways. It is clear given supply chain issues, we will need to be patient as this may be subject to delay.

b)Environment Group

Cllr Calsy reported that recycling issues within the Parish had been identified and been circulated via Out & About and the Facebook page – awaiting further comments. Once issues had been identified these would be passed onto B.Cllr G McGrath for action and to raise the issues within Copeland BC,

A community environment group had been set up with the primary role of providing information and access to services. One scheme being investigated is a hydro-electric scheme

The Environment Group will support a stall at the community event on 4

December 2021

92/21.5 Meeting dates 2022

The Clerk had previously circulated the proposed dates for 2022, these were agreed and to be published

93/21 Reports from outside Bodies South Copeland Partnership

Cllr Savage reported that at the meeting Colin Wales from Cumbria Trust gave a presentation around the proposed GDF. He stated that the geology offshore may be more appropriate. He advocated that the community be properly compensated with large infrastructure projects , if this area was subsequently chosen for a GDF.

A bid had been submitted by the SCP to Cumbria CC for the partnership to hold and administer Covid Recovery money which would only be available from December to March 2022. SCP will need to await the outcome


The following correspondence had been received:

An email had been received from Thwaites Village Hall re the Community Connections event to be held on 4 December 2021 in the village hall between 10 and 12 noon. The Parish Council to have a table promoting the local Trust Funds and ongoing Parish Council projects.


Cllr Murray asked that the Duddon Bridge be placed on the January Agenda for discussion

Cllr Nugent expressed concerns about the deterioration of the lay bye by the Quarry. Cllr Savage to raise the concerns with Ghyll Scaur Quarry


Minutes 2/11/21

Cllr Lockwood believed that work was to commence on Middle Cut at end of October

Cllr Calsy raised the confusion with diversion signs at Duddon Bridge. These can only be raised with Highways and clear identification of the problem was required.

Cllr Savage stated that the school would be invited to the laying of the poppy wreath on 11 November 2021. Cllr Nugent stated that the poppy swarth was to be put in place on 3 November.

Cllr Savage stated that under the unitary authorities Duddon Bridge would potentially fall under the East unitary authority and this may have significant issues for the Local Area .

Cllr Savage reported some emerging concerns on how the S106 monies would be protected under the new Unitary system and were concerned about ensuring the appropriate mineral planning expertise was protected as the County is divided into the two Unitaries. Known issues/log under Unitary authority to be placed on next Agenda

96/21 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 10 January 2022 Thwaites Village Hall at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 2100 hrs