Minutes 12/4/2021





PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair), Cllr I Lockwood, Cllr J Gray, Cllr N Gamble, Cllr A Calsy, Cllr P Murray, Cllr B Wright and Cllr A Nugent.

165/20 Before the meeting commenced, the Council held a one minutes silence to show their respect on the announcement of the recent death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The Council wished to express their sincere condolences to Her Majesty, The Queen and her family on their recent loss.

166/20 Apologies: Cllr C Carrington, Cllr M Kitchingman Borough Councillor G McGrath,

167/20 Exclusion of Press and Public

There were no items on the agenda that would require the exclusion of the press and public.


Cllr Lockwood declared an interest in Agenda item 9.1 planning application number 4/2121/2141

Cllrs Gray, Murray, Nugent and Savage declared an interest in Agenda item 11.2.ii Hill Brow

169/20 Minutes of the Meeting held on 1st March 2021

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st March 2021 were approved

Minutes will be signed by the Chair at the next appropriate meeting.

Proposed by Cllr Lockwood, seconded by Cllr Calsy

170/20 Police Liaison Report

Reports had previously been circulated and were accepted.

171/20 Progress Reports

171/20.1 Mill Park

Signage had now been installed by Cumbria Highways, which was one of the issues raised by the residents.

171/20.2 Hodgson Terrace, Lights

An estimate of £1500 had been received for a replacement light column. Decision deferred until the May meeting.





17420.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority:

7/2021/3007 1 Duddon Court, North of Duddon Bridge, Duddon Bridge Replacement of external windows and replacement of external door (Retrospective) The council had no comment on this application


Minutes 12/4/2021

4/2021/2141 Damson Barn, Underhill

Extension and alterations (to form a single storey dwelling) with raised floor level After discussion the council resolved to support the application with reservations

174/20.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.

Causeway Cottage, Lady Hall

Woodland Management Plan Supported

CH/4/21/2095/0F1 Brockwood Hall, Whicham

Prior Notification of Demolition of derelict swimming pool building Supported

174/20.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

7/2021/4007 9 Duddon Hall, North Of Duddon Bridge, Duddon Bridge Addition of new rooflights to the north and south elevations, replacement of all Listed Building Consent Granted

CH/4/21/2095/0F1 Brockwood Hall, Whicham

Prior Notification of Demolition of derelict swimming pool building Prior approval not required


175/20.1 The following payments were approved under financial standing orders:

Proposed by Cllr Gray and Seconded by Cllr Murray that the payments be approved.

175/20.2 To note the receipt of payments None

175/20.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements dated 28 February 2021

This had been checked and verified by Cllr Kitchingman

175/20.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 March 2021 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

The Clerk had previously circulated the budget with an explanation of underspends and overspends. At the request of the Chair the balances of current account £3541.40, deposit account £5103.73 were acknowledged as the current financial status of the Council.

175/20.5 To approve the Risk Assessment/Risk Management and the Play area Risk Assessment

Proposed by Cllr Lockwood and Seconded by Cllr Wright to approve the Governance Risk Assessment as presented

Proposed by Cllr Gamble and seconded by Cllr Lockwood to approve the Play area risk assessment as presented subject to the importance of parental responsibility being highlighted when using the play equipment

175/20.6 To approve the Asset Register as at 31 March 2021

Proposed by Cllr Gray, Seconded by Cllr Lockwood and resolved to accept the register as presented by the Clerk

175/20.7 To approve the Annual Governance Statement


Minutes 12/4/2021

This had been previously circulated to all councillors. The Chair read out each statement and the Council resolved that they were satisfied that all statements were being complied with.

Proposed by Cllr Lockwood, Seconded by Cllr Wright

176/20 PARISH MATTER 176/20.1 Community Plan

a)Heritage Trail

Cllr Calsy reported that a draft was ready to produce for publication on the website, leaflets and a poster in the Bus Shelter. 2 quotes had been received to produce the leaflet of £300 & £1200. Funding of £344 had been received for this project from the CGP Trust Fund.

Proposed by Cllr Gray and Seconded by Cllr Lockwood and resolved that the lower estimate be approved.

b)Road Safety Issues - Dunningwell

Residents are anxious that the recent traffic survey undertaken was not an accurate reflection of .the actual traffic using this route. Road Safety group to

take this forward.

176/20.2 Parish Projects

a)Bus Shelters

Cllr Gray reported that he had received only one quotation from a builder totalling £5500 to undertake the works on the bus shelter. It was agreed that this was far in excess of the budget of £2k. Cllr Gray to contact the prison re undertaking the work, who require a £50 deposit, to initiate the making of a new window frame.

Proposed by Cllr Gray Seconded by Cllr Gamble

b)Hill Brow, The Hill

Cllr Gray reported that he had received quotations ranging from £1600 - £4600 to undertake the works. There is evidence of Ash die back on some of the ash trees. Cllr Gray to produce a summary report for the May meeting.

A letter of concern had been received from a resident regarding the appearance of a memorial on the common land of Hill Brow. Common land is protected by legislation and this will be investigated further.

c)Dunningwell Hall

Residents have expressed concerns re works being carried out at Dunningwell Hall. The Clerk to contact the Manager of Brockwood Hall for an


176/20.3 Policies, Procedures and Consolations

a)Review of Policies

An Environment & Sustainability Policy had been previously circulated. It was resolved to adopt this

Proposed Cllr Gray, Seconded by Cllr Lockwood

The following policies had been reviewed and minor amendments had been made. It was resolved that they be accepted and placed on the website Proposed Cllr Calsy, seconded Cllr Gamble

Press and Media Policy, Protocol for the payment of invoices

Protocol for the recording and filming of council and committee meetings Retention of documents policy, Risk Management Policy

Virtual Meeting Standing Orders, Data Breach Policy Data Protection Policy, Freedom of Information Policy Privacy Policy for the Website, Privacy Policy

Appraisal Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy, Health and Safety Policy Recruitment Policy, Training and Development Policy

b)Geological Disposal Facility – Resident Feedback


Minutes 12/4/2021

c)Local Government Re-organisation

Cllr Savage had prepared a response which consider the options of a single unitary authority ie Cumbria and the East/West proposal. A vote was taken and the vote was taken and a majority vote was to support the Cumbria single option. 5 votes for 2 against, 1 abstention

d)Return to Face-to-Face Meetings

It was resolved that the May meeting be brought forward to 6 May to allow it to be undertaken remotely and the June meeting to be held in Thwaites Village Hall subject to availability.

177/20 Reports from outside Bodies None


The clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received other than that previously circulated:

An email had been received from Whitehaven Town Council requesting that a statement supporting the mine at Whitehaven be put up on the website. It was resolved not to support this.


Cllr Calsy requested that another letter be sent to Ross builders regarding the obstructed footpath.

Cllr Lockwood and Cllr Wright had been received complaints from the owner of Low Shaw Farm Lady Hall, where padlocks were being cut off gates to access the bank. Cllr Wright had written to Cumbria Highways and the Footpath Officer

Cllr Savage requested that a management plan be put in place for the lay by at the bottom of Hall Bank. It was noted that the bins were overflowing again, 1 bin was insufficient. Clerk to write to CBC and express Parish Council concerns regarding the emptying of the Bins and / or provide a bin that meets the needs of this Lay-By

180/20 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 6 May 2021 via video conference call commencing with the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING at 7pm. Following on with the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and then the ordinary meeting

There being no other business the meeting closed at 2131 hrs