PowerPlusWaterMarkObject357831064Minutes 5/4/18




PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair), Cllr B Wright (Vice Chair), Cllr W Huck, Cllr I Lockwood, Cllr G Napoletani, Cllr P Murray, Cllr J Gray, Cllr A Nugent, and Cllr A Calsy

Mr McCabe, Police Commissioner for Cumbria

Borough Cllr G Scurrah

3 members of the public

153/17 APOLOGIES: Cllr M Kitchingman, Cllr L Butcher, Cty Cllr K Hitchen and PCSO Booth

154/17 Police Liaison Report

a) Mr McCabe, Police Commissioner for Cumbria was thanked by the Chair for agreeing to come to the meeting. The Chair outlined why the meeting had been requested ie issues around response times and confidence in relationship/visibility of police service in South Copeland and especially Millom area.

b) Staffing levels

Mr McCabe had spoken to local officers and understood the unique circumstances around rural areas, poor road networks and difficulty by the police themselves to communicate because of the topography.

He could not promise a permanent police presence in Millom but was investigating to current cover over existing shift patterns for Millom and would bring this up with the Chief Constable.

The Parish Council were concerned regarding the times when there was no police presence in the area, that the constant changing of officers meant that they didn’t know the area, the community, had no exposure to the intelligence network and in some cases lacked enthusiasm,

Mr McCabe responded that it was not his role to tell the Chief Constable how to do their job, but understood the concerns of the Parish Council and that the locality of Millom without was on the edge of both Copeland and Barrow forces and the road from both was a difficult one.

Mr McCabe stated that funding had been obtained for an additional 25 police officers across the county and that the priority was neighbourhood/front line policing in rural areas.

c) Haverigg Prison

Mr McCabe was well aware that Haverigg prison presented its own challenges on the service, requiring police attendance and also visitors to the prison could also bring along additional problems. There was a specialist unit to deal with major incidents at the prison, but this a regional asset and it was recognized that it could take a number of hours before they were able to attend.

d) 101 and 999 service

Mr McCabe stated that the 101 service for reporting non-emergency calls had been performing badly and the system/technology supporting it was outdated. Waiting times were being monitored on a weekly basis and had been reduced over the last 2 years from 18-25 minutes to 4 minutes on average.

Waiting times for 999 calls was 10 seconds. There were 3 operatives dedicated to answering 999 calls, but in times of high volume usage, then operators would be taken from the 101 service to deal with the emergency calls.

£8m had been invested in a new control room system, which will eventually allow emails, text, apps etc to be used to contact the police for non-urgent calls. This is expected to go live in Spring 2019.

e) Physical contact with the Police

Mr McCabe stated that he did not have the financial resources to put police station back in Millom.

Councilors expressed the physical difficulty of meeting with officers. The present system was not 24/7, there was nowhere where a private conversation could be had, the environment was not conducive to having conversations and there were barriers to access and conversation. The perceptions were that the police were detached and unconnected to the community.

It was recognized that this was maybe seen as a low level management issue, but councilors felt that a relook at policing in Millom and the surrounding areas required reviewing.

It was noted that PCSO Booth was very supportive of the Parish Council attending meetings on a regular basis as and when shift patterns and workload permitted.

It was suggested that the police should look at relocating from the Network Centre to the Library which was more central.

Mr McCabe stated that he would investigate this option.

f) General Comments

Mr McCabe stated that he held weekly meeting with the Chief Constable where issues were raised.

He recognized that emphasis was on more urban areas and that Millom had a low crime rate and was a safe place compared with some areas of the county and that there had to be a balance between resource and crime rates.

The local Inspector was Rachel Jones and it was important she understood the issues in the Millom area.

Cllr Nugent raised the issue of drugs and the information that local children could provide. Mr McCabe acknowledged that they were a good source of information. He was promoting a scheme of “mini-police” in primary schools working with young children on cybercrime/grooming. For older children it was “police cadets” and promoting the sharing of information/reporting. The long term strategy was to get children understanding and reporting issues.

g) Conclusion

The Chair thanked Mr McCabe for his input and summarized the councils concerns

  1. Forgotten community – resourcing issues/standards

  2. 40 minutes response time to a “blue light” emergency button was unacceptable

  3. That the police needed to rebuild relationships with the community that it serves.

Mr McCabe stated that there were 400 parishes within the County and that links formed with other parishes helped in conversations.

Mr McCabe agreed to an interview and article to be published in Out & About re policing.

Mr McCabe stated that there were monies available to spend on community initiatives that would help prevent crime or keep children safe and hoped that this would be advertised and suitable projects apply.

Mr McCabe was again thanked by Cllr Savage for attending the meeting and his frank and open discussion and taking on board the concerns of the Parish Council.

He left the meeting at 7.30pm

155/17 Exclusion of Press and Public

None required


Cllrs Lockwood and Gray declared an interest in Agenda item 9.1, planning application 4/18/2114

157/17 Minutes of Meeting held on 5th March 2018.

The minutes of the 5th March 2018 were approved and signed by the Chair


158/17.1 Fell View

Cllr Savage reported that himself and Cllr Lockwood had visited the site on 25 March 2018 and had been shown around some of the site by the developer. A more detailed visit to be arranged with developer. The developer also agreed to meet with local residents once plans had been formally submitted and speak/explain all aspects of the development. Cllr Savage to chair this meeting

An email had been received from Nick Hayhurst, Planning CBC confirming that the statutory documents had now been received with the information required and the application to be validated prior to sending out for consultation. It was hoped that the application would be sent out for consultation w/c 16 April 2018.


Cllr Savage elected to move this session to allow those members of the public present to make comments. He confirmed that there were a number of buildings on the site that required planning consent. That once planning was out for consultation that a meeting with residents and the developer would be arranged within the 21 day consultation period to allow a constructive conversation to take place. It was hoped that this would take place before 29 April 2018 but this was dependant on the planning process.

The members of the public then left the meeting.

160/17.2 Street Lighting The Green

No further progress had been made at the moment.

161/17 Police Liaison Report

A report had been received from PCSO Booth and previously circulated was accepted.


Cty Cllr Hitchen had sent an update in his absence on the cost of the speed cameras at around £75k-100k with variable speed cameras costing more. The Parish Council agreed to express support with Drigg & Carelton Parish Council in pursuing this option and obtaining further details. The Clerk is to contact Cllr Hitchen to obtain further information.

Borough Cllr Scurrah had nothing to report

At this point in the proceedings Cllrs Lockwood and Gray left the room whilst the planning application could be discussed.



163/17.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority

4/18/2114 Sub Division and Extensions to Form 3 Dwellings, Including Parking Area, Oil Storage Tanks and additional Chamber to existing septic tank

Underhill, Farm, The Hill, Millom

After discussion the following concerns/comments were to be expressed regarding the development:

  1. A condition of the planning should be that the units are for permanent residential occupation and should not be allowed to be a holiday let.

  2. Concerns around parking allocation for the units and potential increased traffic congestion

  3. Concerns regarding the location of an oil tank at the front of one of the units and whether this was either legal or safe.

  4. A site visit be undertaken by Copeland BC before the planning application be considered.

  5. The visual impact of the development on the area.

4/18/2139 Change of use of former car parking area (beer garden) (retrospective), Proposed erection of metal railings around part of Boundary wall; Proposed repair building; Construction of boundary wall/fence (retrospective)

The Council resolved to SUPPORT this application

163/17.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.

None undertaken

163/17.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

None received


164/17.1 The following payments were approved:

CALC Data Protection Course £ 70.00

L Cooper ICO registration – Data Protection £ 35.00

L Cooper-Muir Website costs £ 100.00

164/17.2 To note the receipt of payments

CALC Transparency Fund repayment £674.36

The Claim consisted of the following costs

Website set up costs £362.86

Labour costs £311.50

164/17.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statement – None undertaken

164/17.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 March 2018 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

None were required

164/17.5 To Approve the Annual Governance Statement for 2017/18

The Annual Governance Statement had been previously circulated to Councillors.

Each item on the statement was read out and agreed upon.

The Annual Governance Statement was signed by the Chair and the Clerk

164/17.6 To Approve the Annual Risk Assessment for 2018/19

The Risk Assessment had been circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting with the amendments identified in red. Proposed by Cllr Lockwood, Seconded by Cllr Nugent that the Council accept the Risk Assessment. Accepted and was signed by the Chair.


165/17.1 Pylons

The PCCG will meet on 11 April 2018 to review current updates.

165/17.2 Community Plan

The first meeting took place on 29 March 2018 and was well attended.

165/17.3 Website

No new updates

165/17.4 Traffic Management

  1. A meeting was held by Cllrs Savage and Lockwood with Kevin Cosgrove on 13th March 2018. A more detailed report is expected from CCC on the Parish Highways issue Log

  2. Main Road Consultation The agreed Main road submission to regarding the A595 was submitted to the Department of Transport

165/17.5 Emergency Plan

ACT are holding an event on 19th April at Thwaites Village Hall, The Green regarding Emergency Plan. This will help shape the parish council’s emergency plan going forward. Cllrs Savage, Lockwood and Gray to attend.

165/17.6 Parish Projects

  1. Telephone Box

Thwaites Village Hall have submitted applications for sponsorship of the defribulator to CGP and Ghyll Scaur Quarry Trust Funds. This would now await the outcomes of these meetings.

  1. Tree Maintenance

The work is scheduled to commence mid-April 2018

  1. Notice Board, The Hill

The Clerk reported no further progress

165/17.7 Policies, Procedures and Consultations

  1. Proposed new General Data Protection Regulations 2018

The Clerk had previously circulated a handout to all Councillors identifying the duties under the Act. An internal audit of data collection is to be undertaken.

165/17.8 To Agree the date of the Annual Parish Meeting

After discussion it was agreed to hold the Annual Parish Meeting at 6.30pm on Monday 21 May 2018. Notices and Agenda are to be circulated and displayed.

166/17 Reports from outside Bodies



A Consultation document had been received regarding the electoral changes to wards within Copeland. A draft response is to be formulated and discussed at the next meeting. Councillors were asked to forward any comments to Cllr Savage who will draft a response for approval.



The next meeting will be the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING to be held at 6.30pm on 9 April 2018 at Thwaites Village Hall, The Green, followed by the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Parish Council. The normal business meeting will follow on after the AGM

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 21.50

Signed ................................. Date......................