PowerPlusWaterMarkObject357831064Minutes 7/1/19




PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair), Cllr J Gray, Cllr L Butcher, Cllr P Murray, Cllr B Wright, Cllr G Napoletani, Cllr M Kitchingman Cllr A Calsy, Cllr W Huck, Cllr I Lockwood and Cllr A Nugent

Cty Cllr K Hitchen

2 members of public were present


99/18 Exclusion of Press and Public

There were no items that required the exclusion of press or public


Cllr Gray declared an interest in a correspondence received that will be discussed in Agenda item 13

101/18 Minutes of Meeting held on 6 November 2018.

The minutes of the meeting held on 6 November 2018 had been previously distributed and were agreed as correct. Proposed by Cllr Lockwood, Seconded by Cllr Wright. Signed by the Chair

102/18 Police Liaison Report

PCSO had informed the Clerk that another member of staff would be undertaking the reports.

Cllr Savage reported that Sgt McDonald had attended the South Copeland Partnership meeting and the police desks in supermarkets and libraries were to discontinue.

The police were hold a drop-in session at Thwaites Village Hall on 30 January 2019 between 3 and 4pm and members of the public are invited to attend and raise concerns.

The Clerk is to put notices up on the boards and also on the website advertising the event.


103/18.1 Fell View

The Clerk reported that an email had been received from Nick Hayhurst, Planning Officer, stating that a second request had been made to the developer regarding additional information required.

The Clerk was instructed to contact Nick Hayhurst seeking further clarification as to actions.

Cty Cllr Hitchen reported that as the application was domestic and not commercial, Highways could only make a recommendation for it to go forward as there has been no application for a change of use.

Cllr Lockwood stated that residents’ submission showed evidence of increased traffic flow of larger vehicles.

It was noted that this issue has now been discussed for over 2 years without resolution or actions.


A member of the public sought clarification on the Parish Council’s position on the trees at the Pinnel Hole. They were concerned that a number of trees had been identified for removal which in their opinion was more for the production of wood, rather than management. They were also concerned that the number of trees proposed to be removed would have an adverse impact on adjacent land.

It was proposed by Cllr Calsy and Seconded by Cllr Wright that Agenda item 11.3c Tree maintenance –report on works be brought forward. This was agreed

105/18 Agenda item 11.3c Tree Maintenance – report of works

The Chair explained that the Pinnel Hole is owned by the Parish Council and has to operate in a safe way, but also to manage conservation. A qualified arboriculturalist had been instructed by the PC to assess the woodland and identify remedial works. Cllr Butcher had been in attendance when this was undertaken and trees identified that could be removed to enhance the woodland and encourage the growth of other species.

Cllr Gray stated that in his opinion the immediate removal of ivy from trees would be better as well as the laying of the hawthorn hedge that abuts the footpath.

The Chair stated that there 3 options available

  1. Go forward with the recommendations in full

  2. Interested councillors and member of the public re-look at the proposals and come up with a plan of action

  3. Make this a community based project and a long term conservation area.

The Clerk reminded the Council of their duty of care and the requirement to have a plan of action in place and deal with any tree that was identified as a hazard to anyone using the area.

Cllr Calsy proposed that dead branch on the oak tree that had be identified be removed immediately

A group of Parish Councillors and a member of the public were to meet at the Pinnel Hole at 9am on 10 January to discuss a plan of action.

Members of the public then left the meeting


Cty Cllr Hitchen stated he had nothing to report from County as all the emphasis was on budgets.

He wished to raise an offer of County Council and Copeland Borough Council representatives meeting up with and being involved in the development of the Parish Council’s Community Plan, as some of the issues raised would require collaborative working between all three parties. It was agreed that Cllr Calsy would arrange a meeting before the public meeting proposed for 26 February 2019, so that topics could be discussed. The Chair reminded Councillor Hitchen that such involvement from County and District had to be one with genuine support and resource so that no false promises were made to our Community.

Cllr Wright raised the issue of the Cumbria Coastal Strategy and how this would impact on the banking that runs along the Duddon from Millom to Broughton, which was now becoming eroded due to poor maintenance.

Cllr Wright to forward a draft response to the Clerk

Cllr Hitchen reported that Copeland were responsible for shoreline management.

Cllr Kitchingman stated that he was disappointed with the length of time it took Cumbria Highways to repair the large pothole that occurred on A5093 near to Millom Castle and that it was members of the public who put out the warning signs, even though it had been reported.

Cllr Kitchingman stated that the repair to the junction of the A5093/A595 was a good job done.

Cty Cllr Hitchen then left the meeting


107/18.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority

7/2018/4133 Conversion of existing barn into a family house with associated landscaping and gardens

Beck Bank Farm, Thwaites

The Council agreed to SUPPORT this application

107/18.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.


107/18.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

7/2018/4113 Barn, Broom Handle Cottage, Duddon Bridge

Approval of details reserved by condition no 3 of appeal approval ref Complies with Condition

Confirmation of compliance with condition attached to planning permission


108/18.1 The following payments were approved:

L Cooper Clerks salary & expenses £434.19

HMRC PAYE £108.60

SLCC Contribution to membership £ 35.00

A Calsy Southern Boundary Partnership £105.00

108/18.2 To note the receipt of payments


108/18.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements 30 November 2018 and 31 December

Cllr Kitchingman, checked and verified the bank statements and noted that there were now zero balances in the NatWest accounts. The Clerk to close these accounts once it is confirmed that change of bank details have been accepted by Copeland BC.

108/18.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 December 2018 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

None required.

108/18.5 The Clerk reported that the application for Precept for 2019/20 has been submitted to Copeland Borough Council.


109/18.1 Community Plan

Cllr Nugent reported that a public meeting was planned to be held on 26 February 2019 between 630pm and 8pm, where members of the public were invited to receive information and feedback on the Community Plan. Members of the Steering Group will be in attendance and lead on specific topics.

The Clerk was actioned to put details up on the website and produce posters.

109/18.2 Traffic Management

Cllr Lockwood reported that no response had been received from Kevin Cosgrove, Cumbria CC Highways, but felt that the work at the junction of the A5093/A595 had been useful.

He expressed concerns re the death at The Hill and the issues of speeding and signage, which was costly. Cllr Gray observed that the current flashing signs were ignored on a regular basis.

Cllr Lockwood was concerned about the lack of progress of being able to arrange a meeting with Mr Cosgrove.

109/18.3. Parish Projects

  1. Telephone Box

It was reported that some panes required replacing.

The Clerk reported that 13 people attended the training session at Thwaites Village Hall and 4 at The Hill Village Hall.

Cllr Calsy to attend with Clerk on next inspection check of defib

  1. Bus Shelters

Cllr Gray reported that Copeland BC were responsible for their upkeep. It was questioned whether the bus shelter at The Green was on village hall owned land. It was suggested that this could become a community led project/

  1. Tree maintenance

See Minute 105/18


109/18.4 Policies and Procedures and Consultations

  1. It was proposed that the approval of the Standing Orders and Financial Standing Orders Policies be deferred to the February meeting.

The Clerk to meet with the Chair to discuss the policies.

  1. Southern Boundary Partnership

The next meeting is to be held on 23 January 2019. Cllr Savage to circulate the agenda and encouraged all Councillors to attend.

109/18.5 Human Resources

The Clerk reported that she had successfully completed the CiLCA course. The Parish Council expressed their congratulations in achieving this award

110/18 Reports from outside Bodies



The following correspondence had been received:

It was noted that a local resident had dumped felled laurel on Hill Brow. Cllrs Murray and Nugent would speak to the resident.

It was also noted that a tree on Hill Brow was leaning over onto the telephone wires/

Cllr Gray was concerned re the precipitate drop near to the footpath. It was proposed by Cllr Kitchingman and Seconded by Cllr Napoletani that a letter be sent requesting a site visit by the countryside officer to assess the footpath and its safety for users.

Clerk to contact Joe Dreghorn regarding the felling of the tree.



The next meeting to be held at The Hill Village Hall on Monday 4 February 2019 at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 9.39pm

Signed ................................. Date......................