Minutes 6/11/18



PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair), Cllr J Gray, Cllr L Butcher, Cllr P Murray, Cllr B Wright, Cllr G Napoletani, Cllr M Kitchingman Cllr A Calsy, and Cllr A Nugent Cty Cllr K Hitchen

Borough Cllr G Scurrah

2 members of public were present

83/18 APOLOGIES: Cllr W Huck, Cllr I Lockwood and PCSO Booth

84/18 Exclusion of Press and Public

Item 11.5a To note the completion of the Clerks Appraisal and to consider the Clerks hours and salary for 2019/20 would require the exclusion of press and public


Cllr Gray declared an interest in a correspondence received that will be discussed in Agenda item 13

86 /18 Minutes of Meeting held on 1 October 2018.

The minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2018 had been previously distributed and were agreed as correct. Proposed by Cllr Butcher, Seconded by Cllr Nugent. Signed by the Chair

87/18 Police Liaison Report

A report had been received from PCSO Booth and previously circulated. It was noted that thefts had increased considerably from September to October. The report was accepted.

Cllr Savage reported that PS McDonald had attend the South Copeland Partnership meeting and had confirmed that on each shift, subject to operational requirements there would always be one police officer stationed at Millom.

88/18 PROGRESS REPORTS 88/18.1 Fell View

Cllr Savage reported that he had received a letter from a resident on this matter and would circulate it amongst councillors for comments and to formulate a response. The Clerk reported that she had attended the site meeting held by Copeland Planning Committee and had been asked to confirm the Parish Council’s response to this application.

The Planning Dept had acknowledged the Parish Council’s request to speak at the planning meeting and would be informed of the date in due course

Cty Cllr Hitchen stated that Cumbria CC are still awaiting traffic movement data from the applicant and would be unable to comment on the application until that information had been received.

89/18 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No matters raised

Members of the public then left the meeting

90/18 COUNTY COUNCIL AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Cty Cllr Hitchen stated he had nothing to report from County.


Minutes 6/11/18

Having attended a meeting with regards to the consultations on the Grizebeck and Whitehaven projects, he had brought up the issue of the Duddon Bridge/farmyard and enquired of Highway England as to why this had not also been considered for road improvements. Cllr Hitchen suggested that when responding to these consultations, the Parish Council may wish to consider raising the Duddon Bridge issues as well.

Cllr Wright mentioned that the road is collapsing again on the approach to Duddon Bridge. There was some uncertainty as to responsibility for the bridge and approach. Copeland are trying to get the governance of the bridge from South Lakeland District Council.

Borough Cllr Scurrah stated that there was nothing to report


91/18.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority

4/18/2467 Erect Polytunnel for lambing purposes High Marshside, Underhill, Millom

The Council agreed to SUPPORT this application

91/18.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.

4/18/2397 Erection of a single Dwelling Land opposite Mill Park, The Green

The Council resolved to not support this application.

91/18.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

None received

92/18.1.1 To consider the purchase a copy of Charles Arnold-Baker on Local Council Administration 11th Edition £110.99

After discussion the council resolved not to purchase a copy and to continue to use CALC as a method of obtaining information and guidance.

92/18.2 To note the receipt of payments None

92/18.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements 30 September 2018

Cllr Kitchingman, checked and verified the bank statements.

92/18.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 October 2018 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

The Clerk reported that the web site budget required adjusting up to £172 to cover the cost of additional works and the renewal of the website. Proposed by Cllr Nugent,


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Seconded by Cllr Napoletani. The increase to be taken from the underspends on insurance and CALC subscription.

92/18.5 To approve the budget for 2019/20 and to set the precept for 2019/20

A draft budget and recommendations had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. Amendments were made to the following expenses, Data Protection, Donation & fees, Footlight maintenance and Projects.

It was proposed by Cllr Butcher and seconded by Cllr Murray that the Clerk’s recommendation of setting the precept at £8400 be accepted.

The council resolved to set the precept for 2019/20 at £8400.

93/18 PARISH MATTERS 93/18.1 Community Plan

Cllr Nugent gave an update on Community Plan. The Steering Group had met and the main responses to Questions 8-10 explained. These had been divided into areas

-One’s Parish Council needed to lead on

-Ones that could be Community led Key topics are


Broadband/internet – to be community led Cycle ways/footpaths – to be community led Public transport

Community shop Playground

It is planned to hold a public meeting in January to give feedback and the plan and action plan to be published February/ March.

The Steering Group were questioning what the realistic amount of money was available within the community for the actions. Cllr Savage will respond back to the Steering Group

93/18.2 Traffic Management

In the absence of Cllr Lockwood, this was deferred

93/18.3. Parish Projects

a)Telephone Box

The telephone box had now been painted. The defib was live and registered with the Ambulance Service. Training dates had been arranged for 22 November at Thwaites Village Hall and 27 November at The Hill Village Hall. Cllr Nugent suggested that there be a rota for cleaning the phone box out.

Cllr Gray raised the issue of the bus shelters at The Green and The Hill – Copeland BC are responsible for their maintenance. Cllr Gray to contact.

b)Tree Maintenance

Cllr Butcher reported that the trees at the Pinnel Hole had been identified that required works carrying out on them. He was requested to speak to adjacent landowners before any works commenced and ensure they were consulted on the intended work scope.

The Clerk requested permission to purchase a map of the Pinnel Hole from the Land Registry, this was agreed.

c)Litter Pick

Cllr Calsy reported that this was cancelled due to poor weather conditions and it was planned to arrange one in January.

d)Remembrance Sunday

Cllr Calsy to represent the Council at the Millom service. The joint beacon to be built on Saturday 10 November and lit at 7pm on 11 November. Clerk to send details to Cllr Calsy


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e)Feedback from meeting with landscape contractors

Cllr Savage reported that a meeting had been held and the following was discussed and additional information required

Planters – new ideas/costing’s

Grass verge in front of barns – scope/cost


93/18.4 Policies and Procedures and Consultations

a)Kirkby Moor Wind Farm Appeal

The Parish Council resolved to register as a member of Rule 6(6) Party Kirkby Moor Protectors (KMP). Proposed by Cllr Wright, Seconded by Cllr Calsy

b)Southern Boundary Partnership – terms of reference and update

The terms of reference were presented to the meeting and resolved to accept them. Proposed Cllr Murray, Seconded Cllr Calsy

c)Grizebeck Consultation – 7 November

Councillors were encouraged to attend and to do individual feedback

93/18.5 Human Resources

a)To note the completion of the Clerks Appraisal and to consider the Clerks hours and salary for 2019/20

Cllr Savage reported that the Clerk’s appraisal had been undertaken and the previous year’s action signed off. An agreement had been made as per salary. The Clerk was asked to keep a detailed analysis of hours worked for a review to be undertaken at the end of March.

94/18 Reports from outside Bodies

a)3 Tier Meeting

Cllr Napoletani reported gave a report of the meeting. Key points were the under achievement of schools and how to keep the 18-24 age group within the Borough.

b)South Copeland Partnership

The police will continue to attend the meeting, where this is feasible,

The SCP are holding a Bid Writing Course on 15 November 2018 at Millom Network Centre. 15 places are available.


The following correspondence had been received:

A proposal had been received from Cllr Gray regarding proposed works at Hill Brow. As not all Councillors had seen sight of the proposal it was agreed to defer to the next meeting.




To be arranged – the Clerk is in the process of booking venues for 2019

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 9.40pm