PowerPlusWaterMarkObject357831064Minutes 6/1/2020




PRESENT: Cllr I Lockwood (Chair), Cllr B Wright, Cllr P Murray, Cllr A Nugent,

Cllr A Calsy joined the meeting at 7.45pm

Borough Councillor G McGrath

111/19 Apologies: Cllr D Savage, Cllr G Napoletani, Cllr J Gray, Cllr M Kitchingman and County Councillor K Hitchen

112/19 Exclusion of Press and Public

There were no items on the agenda that would require the exclusion of the press and public.


There were no declarations of interest.

114/19 Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th November 2019.

The minutes of the meeting held on 4th November 2019 were approved and signed by the Chair.

115/19 Police Liaison Report

None Received


116/19.1 Planters

The Clerk reported that there had been two offers for the planters. It was proposed by Cllr Murray and seconded by Cllr Wright and resolved that the offer from Dreamscape Landscapes be accepted of 2 trees in exchange for the planters.

116/19.2 VE Day Celebrations

After discussion it was agreed to contact other local groups to ascertain their plans for the event. Cllr Murray to assess the war memorial to ascertain if it requires any remedial works or cleaning. The Clerk is to contact the War Memorial Trust with regards to cleaning. It was suggested that a tree could be planted in memorial either near to the war memorial or another appropriate location.

116/19.3 Standing Stones

Cllr Murray suggested that the standing stone be placed on the verge against the village hall boundary wall. This would make it visible to more people and would not impinge on road users. The Clerk to contact County Highways for permission.




Cty Cllr Hitchen had sent his apologies. The Clerk was instructed to write to Cllr Hitchen seeking an update on Duddon Bridge, to seek his views on the recent road closures due to major incidents and encouraging County Highways to attend a site meeting on17 January with the Countryside Officer to discuss suitable routes for the planned footpath to connect The Hill and The Green.

Borough Cllr McGrath stated that the recent correspondence received by the Council on Footway Lighting and the transfer of responsibility and costs from Copeland BC to Parish Councils had not gone through the Borough Council for approval. There was to be a Mayor’s briefing with the council on 9th January 2020 when this issue would be raised.

It was proposed by Cllr Wright and Seconded by Cllr Nugent that a letter of concern and requesting additional information be sent to the Mayor’s office. It was resolved that Cllr Napolentani would attend the 3 tier meeting and feed back.

Cllr McGrath reported that Millom and Cleator Moor had been selected as part of the Government’s Stronger Towns initiative and were applying for funding. He further reported that there is a proposal that Sellafield open an administrative base in Millom.

With funding from the government, Copeland BC were being able to get out of the PFI contract on the Copeland Centre at Whitehaven, which would give the Council more flexibility on how the building could be used.

Cllr Lockwood asked what was happening with the Network Centre. Cllr McGrath stated that this was now owned by Cumbria CC.


119/19.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority


119/19.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.


119/19.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications



120/19.1 The following payments were approved:

L Cooper reimburse Sitemaker renewal £ 72.00

L Cooper Clerks salary and expenses £ 505.24

HMRC PAYE £ 105.00

Copeland BC Footlight maintenance 2018-2020 £1291.20

SLCC part payment for renewal £ 30.50

Community Heartbeat Annual Support cost 2019/20 £ 151.20

120/19.2 To note the receipt of payments


120/19.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements dated 30 November 2019

The Clerk presented reconciled accounts which were verified by Cllr Calsy

120/19.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 December 2019 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

No actions required

120/19.5 For information only

The Clerk confirmed that the precept for the financial year 2020/21 had been submitted to Copeland BC


121/19.1 Community Plan

  1. A Community Plan table to be manned by Cllrs Nugent and Murray at the Thwaites Village Hall event on 25 January between 10am and 12pm. Cllrs Lockwood and Wright will also attend the event at a separate table for general council matters.

  2. Cllr Murray reported that a meeting with the Countryside Officer was planned for 15th January 2020 to discuss the route(s) of the proposed footpath between The Hill and The Green. An email outlining the proposals to be sent to Cty Cllr Hitchen for feedback.

  3. Cllr Calsy suggested that there may be an opportunity to link the standing stones with others in the area.

  4. Cllr Calsy sought the PC view on a bike repair workshop and guided rides. It was agreed that she could purchase some basic supplies ie oil and inner tubes. To assess the interest at the Thwaites VH event. The Clerk to speak to the insurers regarding liability

  5. Cllr Calsy reported that there had been few responses re litter/dog fouling hot spots. She sought permission to spend a maximum of £200 for litter pickers/tabards and gloves that could be used on the organised litter picks. This was agreed.

  6. Cllr Nugent reported that the Child Friendly Spaces group had not progressed. A sub group of Cllr Nugent, Murray and the Clerk was agreed to move the project forward. The group to meet before the next meeting.

121/19.2 Traffic Management

  1. Cllr Lockwood reported that the money for the purchase of the speed awareness equipment had been obtained from Ghyll Scaur Quarry. Still awaiting a decision from Highways.

  2. Cllr Calsy raised the issue of how the community can respond in another major event that sees the main A595 road closed. It was resolved to contact the Emergency Services to seek advice on how the Parishes Emergency Plan could be improved and identify lessons learnt from the recent fire incident.

121/19.3 Parish Projects

  1. Bus Shelters

Awaiting a report from Cllr Gray

  1. Litter bins

The Clerk reported that CBC were still waiting the sourcing and costing for new litter bins.

  1. Derelict Houses

Cllr Calsy reported that Copeland BC were continuing to investigate pursuing owners through legal routes.

  1. Benches and Notice Boards

Adopt a bench” to be launched at Thwaites Community event. It may be possible that some remedial works could be undertaken by the community. The Clerk to print some copies off for the Village Hall event.

  1. Parish Councillor Service

See Item 116/19.1

121/19.4 Policies and Procedures

  1. Review of Policies

Cllr Calsy reported that with Cllr Gray policies had been reviewed and there were minor changes required which should be ready for the February meeting

121/19.5 Human Resources

Cllr Lockwood reported that the Clerk’s review had been undertaken and an hourly increase in pay and expenses had been agreed..


122/19 Reports from outside Bodies



The clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:

An email had been received about consultation on Copeland BC Local Plan

It was agreed that the only land available to build on was an ex garden opposite the White Horse at The Hill and the land to the rear of Mlll Park, The Green.


124/19 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 3 Febuary 2020 at The Hills Village Hall, n at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 21.00 hrs

Signed ................................. Date......................