Minutes 4/11/19





PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair), Cllr B Wright, Cllr G Napoletani, Cllr A Calsy, Cllr J Gray Cllr P Murray, Cllr I Lockwood

PCSO Booth

96/19 Apologies: Cllr A Nugent, Cllr M Kitchingman and County Councillor K Hitchen

97/19 Exclusion of Press and Public

There were no items on the agenda that would require the exclusion of the press and public.

98/19 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.

99/19 Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th October 2019.

The minutes of the meeting held on 7th October 2019 were approved and signed by the Chair

Proposed by Cllr Napoletani and Seconded by Cllr Calsy

100/19 Police Liaison Report

Cllr Calsy reported that she had written to the police outlining the traffic issues created by the recent fire and asking how these could be addressed in the event of another serious incident.

It was noted that the police report now issued does not meet the needs of the council.

PCSO Booth explained how by using the internet crime figures could be accessed but these figures were roughly 2months behind actual events. Policing is done where there is the greatest need, so it is important that all suspicious activities or crimes are reported either by using the 101 service or email for non-urgent crimes.

He wished to remind people regarding home security especially with the run up to Christmas. There had been incidents with a tarmacking firm targeting remote areas. In response to Cllr Calsy’s comments on the road closure he stated that police can only advise on alternative A road routes. In the event of a major incident the details are passed to the media team who circulate it on radio, Facebook etc . There would be a major incident review but the results of this would not be shared with members of the public.

The Council resolved to write to the Emergency Services and Cumbria County Council Highways to seek advice on how the Parishes Emergency Plan may be modified in light of this incident.

PCSO Booth was thanked for his update and left the meeting.






Minutes 4/11/19

Cty Cllr Hitchen had sent a written report to state that contractors had been appointed to undertake the tree works at Duddon Bridge and they were awaiting confirmation from South Lakeland District Council that works could also be carried on at their side of the bridge.


104/19.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority


104/19.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.


104/19.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications


105/19.2 To note the receipt of payments None

105/19.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements dated

None Received

105/19.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 October 2019 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

No actions required

Cllr Gray was allocated £2000 out of the project monies to spend on refurbishing the bus shelter at Thwaites. An additional £720 was allocated to other projects within the community plan to be spent this financial year.

105/19.5 To consider and approve the draft budget for 2020/21

A strategy document for the allocation of funds to projects linked to the community plan had been previously circulated and presented to council for approval. A total of £10836 to be allocated to Community Plan Projects in the 20/21 budget.

Proposed by Cllr Lockwood and Seconded by Cllr Calsy to accept the plan as submitted. All in agreement.

These figures were added to the draft budget for 20/21 and it was RESOLVED to accept the budget as presented and amended by the strategy document. The total budget expenditure to be £17222, the shortfall on income to be met from accumulated reserves.

Proposed Cllr Lockwood and Seconded by Cllr Calsy.

105/19.6 To set the Annual Precept for 2020/21

It was RESOLVED that the precept for 2020/21 would be increased by £2000 to £10400 in support of the projects detailed in the approved community plan

106/19 PARISH MATTERS 106/19.1 Community Plan

a) Still awaiting the outcome of the Student Applications. The Clerk to chase.


Minutes 4/11/19

b)Community Plan Action Plan. Councillors had now been allocated to lead on specific projects detailed in the approved community plan.

106/19.2 Traffic Management

a)Cllrs Savage and Lockwood to meet to identify location of proposed new speed signs.

b)Cllr Calsy raised the issue of how the community can respond in another major event that sees the main A595 road closed. It was resolved to contact the Emergency Services to seek advice on how the Parishes Emergency Plan could

be improved and identify lessons learnt from the recent fire incident.

106/19.3 Parish Projects

a)Bus Shelters

It was resolved that Cllr Gray be given a budget of £2k to improve the bus shelter at The Green. Cllr Gray to liaise with Copeland BC who own the bus shelter.

b)Litter bins

The Clerk reported that CBC were still waiting the sourcing and costing for new litter bins.

c)Derelict Houses

Cllr Calsy reported that Copeland BC were investigating pursuing owners through legal routes.

d)Benches and Notice Boards

Cllrs Kitchingman and Gray had undertaken a survey of the benches and identified which required remedial works. The Clerk to obtain costing.

e)Standing Stones

Cllrs Gray and Calsy reported that the stone had been selected and it was proposed to locate it on the village green at The Green. The Clerk to check that this would not breach any legislation regarding structures on village greens.

f)VE Day 8th May 2020

The Parish Council to lay a wreath at the memorial located at Thwaites church.

g)Parish Councillor Service

The Clerk reported that she was still awaiting a response from Cumbria Highways re sight lines. It was resolved to plant 2 flowering cherry trees, Dream Landscape to be approached for costs.

h)Website Issues

The Clerk reported that the website had been updated and information

relating to the Community plan had been put on the site.

106/19.4 Policies and Procedures

a)New Financial Standing Orders

It was resolved to accept the new Financial Standing Orders. Proposed by Cllr Gray, Seconded by Cllr Murray

b)Review of Policies

Cllr Calsy and Gray stated that this was still under review and a report would be ready for the January meeting

106/19.5 Human Resources

A date had been arranged for the Clerk’s annual appraisal and pay review.


106/19.6 Southern Boundary Partnership

Cllr Savage reported that there was nothing to report. A decision on the review would not take place until after the general election.

107/19 Reports from outside Bodies

South Copeland Partnership


Minutes 4/11/19

Cllr Savage reported that the first appointed cycling mayor attended and the meeting was well attended. Work is being explored by Electricity northwest for a small battery farm which would benefit electrical charging points in the community.


The clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:

A letter from CALC re the Annual General Meeting


Cllr Napoletani reported that there was another derelict van on Middle Cut at The Hill and it was beginning to look like a scrap yard. Cumbria CC are to visit in December to look at Middle Cut as a link between The Hill and The Green. This will be brought to their attention

Cllr Savage reported that Thwaites Village Hall were considering purchasing a projector which could be a shared asset with other groups.

Cllr Savage and Cllr Calsy to attend the planning course at the end of November.

Cllr Savage reported that Thwaites village Hall were holding an event w/c 20- 25 January 2020. It would be an opportunity for the Parish Council to man a stand from 10-12pm and undertake a Parish council surgery.

Cllr Savage asked that the 2020 meeting dates be circulated

Cllr Napoletani stated that the resus machine at The Hill had been given away some years ago. She will speak with the village hall committee relocating one outside the village hall.

Cllr Wright asked if anyone was aware of any decision regarding the English Coastal Path.

110/19 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 6 January 2020 at Thwaites Village Hall, The Green at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 21.25