PowerPlusWaterMarkObject357831064Minutes 4/6/18




PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair), Cllr J Gray, Cllr I Lockwood, Cllr W Huck, Cllr P Murray, Cllr A Calsy, Cllr B Wright and Cllr A Nugent

PCSO Booth

4 members of public were present

21/18 APOLOGIES: Cllr L Butcher, Cllr M Kitchingman, and Cllr G Napoletani

22/18 Exclusion of Press and Public

There were no items on the agenda that would require the exclusion of the press and public.



24/18 Minutes of Meeting held on 21st May 2018.

The minutes of the meeting held on 21st May 2018 had been previously distributed. Proposed by Cllr Gray, seconded by Cllr Lockwood as correct. Signed by the Chair

25/18 It was proposed by the Chair that item 6.1 on the Agenda Progress Reports: Fell View is brought forward to enable members of the public present to hear an update and then make comments during the public participation session. Proposed by Cllr Nugent, seconded by Cllr Murray


26/18.1 Fell View

Cllr Savage reported that it had been planned to hold a residents meeting prior to the Parish Council meeting, but the Planning Application for Fell View had only been received by the Clerk on the afternoon of the meeting thereby giving insufficient time for them to be perused. An extension on the response to the planning application had been applied for by the Clerk until after the next Parish council meeting on 2 July 2018. It was still proposed to hold a resident’s meeting. Cllr Savage reported that the developer had texted him and explained that as it was now the busiest time of the year that he would find it difficult to attend. His invitation to individual residents to make an appointment for a 1:1 meeting with him still held although very few had taken him up on the offer. It was noted that the developer had committed to attending the residents meeting on the 4th June had that gone ahead.

Cllr Savage was to respond that although he appreciated there were time constraints that the Parish Council would do what was possible to accommodate the developer regarding the meeting.

Cllr Lockwood pointed out that the plans did not show what was actually on the ground and it was difficult to visualise.

Cllr Gray reported that he had taken up the invitation of the developer and had looked around the site and spoke at length to the developer.

Some members of the public stated because of ill-health and other personal issues they were unable to take up the offer.

Cllr Savage to await response from developer regarding a new date for the residents’ meeting.

The members of the public then left the meeting

27/18 Police Liaison Report

PCSO Booth reported that rural logs were down by a third, most of which were road related. Losing 1 PCSO at the end of June. There is a plan in place to replace PCSO’s within Copeland BC and this was being advertised in house at the moment.

Cllr Lockwood raised an issue brought to him by a local resident that a Road Traffic Collision had taken place at School Ellis and that there was a suspicion of drugs were involved but appeared as if the police had taken no action. PCSO Booth stated he would try to find out more information.

There was a meeting on 20 June 2018 with Sgt McDonald which would include the replacement of officers and PCSO Booth would pass on concerns.


Issues had already been discussed during item 26/18.


Nothing to report


30/18.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority

4/18/2228 Change of use of land to domestic curtilage; retention of two caravans within the domestic curtilage (Buildings 1 and 2); Retention of improvements to existing tracks and parking areas; Retention of two timber outbuildings for use in connection with the applicants mobile catering business (buildings 3 and 4); Retention of two small timber deck areas and associated storage (buildings 5 & 6); retention of polytunnel for domestic use (building 7); Change of use of outbuilding to disabled welfare facilities (shower and toilet) for personal family use (building 8)

Fell View, The Hill

It was noted that a caravan had arrived on Wednesday 30 May 2018 and had held up traffic for over 30 minutes whilst it tried to get onto the site. It was agreed that a residents’ meeting would be called on 12 or 14 June 2018. Cllr Lockwood stated he would try and contact the developer to arrange a date/time when all the Councilors could visit the site. A decision to be deferred until after the residents meeting.

30/18.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.


30/18.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

None received


31/18.1 The following payments were approved:

L Cooper Clerks salary & expenses £482.38

HMRC PAYE £ 99.40

The Hill Village Hall Room hire 2017 £120.00

31/18.2 The Clerk reported that after a visit to NatWest it was discovered that records had been lost with regards to current signatories. There had been a number of issues relating to using this bank and the Clerk recommended that the Cumberland Building Society be approached with a view to transferring the account over. Proposed by Cllr Gray, seconded by Cllr Wright. Cllr Huck asked that it was verified that there would be no objection to working with a Building Society. The Clerk to check.

31/18.2 To note the receipt of payments

Lindlay – garage Licence fee £ 55.00

31/18.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements

None received

31/18.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 May 2018 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

No actions required

31/18.5 To approve the amended accounting statements for the year 2017/18

The Clerk reported that the previous accounting statements had excluded the Ghyll Scaur Quarry Fund monies. On further investigation these had to be included in the accounting statements hence the adjustments

Proposed by Cllr Wright, Seconded by Cllr Lockwood

31/18.6 To approve the amended Certificate of Exemption

The Council were satisfied that the Parish Council met all qualifying criteria to submit a certificate of exemption. Proposed by Cllr Gray, Seconded by Cllr Murray


32/18.1 Community Plan

Cllr Nugent gave an update on Community Plan. The survey had gone out in the Out & About. A stall was to be had at Thwaites Gala to encourage people to complete the questionnaire and to get children involved.

The Punch Bowl was undertaking Cheese and wine events on 21 and 28 June and on 26 July to encourage people to complete the questionnaire. Prizes had been donated and a draw of all questionnaires completed would take place after the closing date.

32/18.2 Traffic Management

Cllr Lockwood reported that he was awaiting a response from Cty Cllr Hitchen re the Broadgate signs

32/18.3. Parish Projects

  1. Telephone Box

The Ghyll Scaur Quarry fund had authorised the monies for the defib and just awaiting the decision of the CGP Fund for the remainder. It was suggested that the defib be ordered. The Clerk to contact Community Hearbeat.

  1. Notice Boards

The Clerk to chase

  1. Bus Shelters

The Clerk reported that the bus shelters were owned/managed by Copeland BC and she was awaiting a response to an enquiry as to whether they could be upgraded.

32/18.4 Policies and Procedures and Consultations

  1. Response to Copeland boundary electoral changes

A response had been sent by the Chair as agreed at the last meeting.

  1. Data Protection Policies

The Clerk reported that these were now up on the website

33/18 Reports from outside Bodies



The following correspondence had been received:



2nd July 2018 at Thwaites Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 9.02pm

Signed ................................. Date......................