Minutes 3/9/18



PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair), Cllr J Gray, Cllr W Huck, Cllr L Butcher, Cllr G Napoletani, Cllr M Kitchingman and Cllr A Nugent

Cty Cllr K Hitchen Borough Cllr G Scurrah

5 members of public were present

53/18 APOLOGIES:, Cllr A Calsy, Cllr I Lockwood, Cllr P Murray, Cllr B Wright, and PCSO Booth

54/18 Exclusion of Press and Public

There were no items on the agenda that would require the exclusion of the press and public.



56 /18 Minutes of Meeting held on 2nd July 2018.

The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd July 2018 had been previously distributed. An amendment was made to item 43/18. “None present” was changed to “1 present” Proposed by Cllr Gray, seconded by Cllr Butcher as correct. Signed by the Chair

57/18 Police Liaison Report

A report had been received from PCSO Booth and previously circulated. This was accepted. Cllr Savage reported that there was still an outstanding action following the meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner to arrange a meeting with PS McDonald and the South Copeland Partnership.

58/18 PROGRESS REPORTS 58/18.1 Fell View

The Clerk reported that an email had been received notifying the Parish Council of Copeland Borough Council’s Planning Panel intention to hold a site visit at Fell View on the 12 September at 1pm. The Clerk was instructed to find out if any or all Councillors could attend and seek clarification regarding questions.


A member of the public raised concerns regarding the height of some of the trees located on Hill Brow. Cllr Butcher stated that he would relook at the tree survey undertaken in 2017 in conjunction with a visual assessment of the trees and report back at the next meeting.

Members of the public then left the meeting


Cty Cllr Hitchen reported that he had nothing to report other than comments of Traffic Management issues.

It was proposed by Cllr Nugent and seconded by Cllr Butcher that Agenda item 11.2 Traffic Management should be brought forward to allow Cllr Hitchen to comment on. Cllr Savage reported that he had received an update on scope of works from Kevin Cosgrove, County Highways. Within the report it showed County’s current spend on


Minutes 3/9/18

highways within the Millom without Division. This indicated that some porthole repairing had been undertaken at the Hallthwaites junction. Cllr Savage expressed disappointment in the quality of the report and the lack of information that has repeatedly asked for with regards to scope/cost from Mr Cosgrove to help prioritise actions.

Cllr Hitchen reported that this year’s budget had already been spent and that any future works would have to be undertaken on a priority basis.

Cllr Hitchen reported that a speed survey had been undertaken and the outcomes were hoped to be published at the end of September.

It was agreed that Cllr Napoletani would relook at the outstanding issues and re- prioritise.

A meeting to be arranged between Cllrs Napoletani, Lockwood, Hitchen and Mr Cosgrove, before the end of September to discuss priorities.

Borough Cllr Scurrah stated that he had nothing to report.

Cllr Nugent asked when the new proposed Boundary changes would come into effect. Cllr Hitchen reported that they would come into effect for the May 2019 elections.


61/18.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority

7/2018/4066 Knott Plantation, Broadgate Estate, Thwaites Increase the size of a holding area for felled diseased trees For Information only

61/18.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.

None undertaken

61/18.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

None received

62/18.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements 3 August 2018

This was checked and signed as correct by Cllr Kitchingman

62/18.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 August 2018 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

No actions required

62/18.5 VAT Refund Claim


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For information only the VAT refund claim has been submitted for £366.61. The Clerk reported that HMRC were undertaking an audit on the VAT claim which may delay payment.

62/18.6 2019/20 Budget

The Chair reminded the Council that budgets would be prepared in October and to consider what projects expenditure there might be.

After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Nugent and Seconded by Cllr Napoletani that the Land Licences be increased by £10 to £65 for the next financial year.

The Clerk was asked to investigate the process for the valuation of this land and provide the Parish Council with an evaluation of its options.

63/18 PARISH MATTERS 63/18.1 Community Plan

Cllr Nugent gave an update on Community Plan. 150 responses had been received through canvassing and meeting people and 120 questionnaires had been returned. Pie charts had been produced for responses. A workshop has been arranged for 6 September to set out the written responses for further evaluation in questions 7,8,9 and 10. The Plan was on target and it is expected that a readable Community Plan and Action Plan will be ready in early 2019.

63/18.2 Traffic Management

See 60/18 above

63/18.3. Parish Projects

a)Telephone Box

The Clerk reported that she had been given the details of the company that would supply the paint free of charge which was located in Morecambe and she would collect it in the next 2weeks. Quotations to be obtained from painters to paint the phone box.

b)Tree Maintenance

The Clerk reported that works has been completed on Hill Brow as per the specification. It was suggested that a tree survey be undertaken at the Pinnel Hole. The Clerk to contact Lowther Estates and Joe Dreghorn for quotes.

c)Notice Boards

The Clerk reported that The Carpenter was to remove the existing board w/c 3 September with an expected completion date for the fitting of the new board at the end of the following week.

d)Bus Shelters

The Clerk to enquire from Bootle Parish Council as to how they acquired the bus shelter located next to Captain Shaws School.

e)IT issues

The Clerk gave an update as to the issues around the catastrophic failure of her laptop which required an It specialist to undertake a data recovery process. The Clerk reported that it had cost £140 to recover the data from the hard drive. It was suggested that the cost be split between the 3 Parish Councils and the user. The Chair asked that documentary evidence be provided by the IT consultant that recovery had been undertaken and that back-up systems were now working. The Clerk reported that as well as the Google drive automatic back-up system she was also backing up to an external hard drive.

f)National Park Boundary Review Event 11 September 2018

Cllr Savage reported that the meeting was to commence at 7pm at Grizebeck Village Hall and there would be a number of speakers. Councillors were encouraged to attend.

g)Grass cutting review


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Councillors expressed satisfaction at the standard of the grass cutting. The Clerk was instructed to arrange a meeting including the Chair with the contractors to investigate additional grass cutting and care of the planters.

63/18.4 Policies and Procedures and Consultations

a)South Copeland Partnership Terms of Reference These were approved by the Council

b)Priorities and Organisation These were to continue as planned

c)May 2019 Elections

The Clerk gave a brief summary of the procedures.

64/18 Reports from outside Bodies

a)Millom Swimming Pool

Cllr Nugent gave an update, an independent inspection had taken place and it was found that the boilers were in working order and the roof was not leaking. Another meeting is planned for September.


The following correspondence had been received:

Communication had been received by the Kirkby Moor action group who were looking for support in the forthcoming appeal hearing for the extension to the Kirkby Moor Wind farm. The Council agreed to continue to support.

Millom Town Council had sent a letter inviting Councillors to attend a parade and service to commemorate the end of WW1 on 11 November 2018. This to be discussed at the next meeting.

CALC wrote to explain the new way of calculating the subscription. The Parish Council were in agreement


Cllr Napoletani reported that she would be attending the 3 tier meeting at Egremont

Cllr Napoletani enquired about the Effective Councillor course and was advised to book herself on.

Cllr Huck thanked Cllr Butcher for undertaking hedge cutting at the Pinnel Hole

Cllr Huck was concerned about the state of the buildings located on the Pinnel Hole. The Clerk was asked to check land registry documents to ascertain ownership

Cllr Nugent reported that she had difficulty accessing the website through Google search

Cllr Gray reported that when accessing Declarations of Interest on the website it was coming up as “dangerous site”

Cllr Butcher expressed concerns regarding the trees at Broadgate, which had still not been taken back. He stated that it was important that the tree survey be undertaken at the Pinnel Hole.


1 October 2018 at Thwaites Village Hall, The Green commencing at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 9.35pm