PowerPlusWaterMarkObject357831064Minutes 6/10/16




PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair), Cllr W Huck, Cllr I Lockwood , Cllr A Nugent, Cllr P Murray, Cllr P Newman, Cllr M Kitchingman and Cllr B Wright

91/16 APOLOGIES , Cllr J Gray and Cllr L Butcher. Cllr K Hitchin (County Councillor) and PCSO Booth

92/16 There were no members of public at the commencement of the meeting but it was agreed that if members of the public did enter late into the meeting that item 10.5 of the Agenda (Discussion of Clerk’s Salary and Terms and Conditions ) would be moved to the end of the Agenda.


There were no declarations of interest


The minutes of the meeting held on 5th September were approved and signed by the Chair.

95/16 Police Liaison Report

A written report from PCSO Booth was presented to the meeting and it was agreed to accept it.


96/16.1 Common Land

Cllr Huck reported that no progress had been made as the sub-group had been able to meet.

The Clerk handed to Cllr P Murray the archived file held by the Parish Council on known Common Land within the Parish along with a large map of the Parish.

Cllr Huck stated that it was intended to split the project into 3 areas ie land at The Gree, land at The Hill and land within the rest of the Parish, to establish what was already registered as Common Land and to identify those areas of land that would require either registering and amending where the current register was incorrect.

The deadline for registration was December 2017

The sub-group to present a report at the next meeting.

96/16.2 Traffic Management

Cllr Lockwood reported that there had been no further progress and was awaiting a response from Cty Cllr Hitchen with regards to the extension of the speed limit from The Hill to the Oaks of 40mph and also including the speed limit at Hallthwaites.

It was agreed that should this go ahead then the Quarry would be approached regarding the funding of speed awareness warning signs. This to be raised at the next Quarry meeting.

Cllr Newman raised residents concerns regarding the increase of traffic using the single track road from The Hill to Brockwood Hall. There had been a number of incidents where traffic meeting had caused issues of who had right of way.

The Clerk was instructed to write to Robin Mills at Brockwood and raise the concerns of the residents.

The Clerk was instructed to write to the Traffic Management Officer at Cumbria County Council and raise the safety issues and nuisance to local residents of developments at Brockwood Hall and Dunningwell.


No members of the public were present.


Cty Cllr Hitchen had given his apologies for this meeting

Cllr Savage had formally written to Cllr Scurrah stating what issues the Parish Council sought assistance with. There had been no response to this request. Cllr Savage to follow this it.


99/16.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority

7/2016/4036 Broom Handle Cottage, Duddon Bridge

Barn Conversion to form new 2 bed dwelling

Concerns were raised on the following points:

  1. It would was noted that work had already commenced on this property without prior approval.

  2. Concern that the dwelling would increase additional parking/maneuvering/increase traffic at an already high volume traffic area.

  3. This property is located on a dangerous corner and increased the risks of vehicles joining/leaving the flow of traffic from/to the property.

  4. The roof on the building was unsympathetic with adjoining property.

Cllr Wright agreed to contact LDNP by telephone to discuss some of the issues.

It was agreed that planning consent would have been refused.

99/16.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.

None undertaken

99/16.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

None received


100/16.1 The following payments were approved:

None undertaken

100/16.2 To note the receipt of payments

None received

100/16.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statement as at 5 September 2016. This had been circulated prior to the meeting and checked and signed by Cllr Kitchingman as a true record.

100/16.4 Budget Comparison Report as at 30 September 2016 was considered

No actions required

100/16.5 To review the Clerk’s Performance, Salary and Terms and Conditions.

It was RESOLVED that there would be no change to the Clerk’s current hours of working, but this would be reviewed in January.

It was RESOLVED to award a salary increase of 1% in line with Local Government pay scales to commence on 1 April 2017

The Council were in agreement that the Clerk’s performance was satisfactory.


101/16.1 Skills Review

Cllr Savage to reissue and remind the 3 outstanding reviews

101/16.2 Co-option of Councillor

This is awaiting the outcome of the skills review

101/16.3 Standing Orders

The Clerk reported that these had been gone through with changes made. This to be forwarded to Cllr Savage.

101/16.4 Telephone Box

Discussion took place as to how this could be used eg book swap or tourist information point. Clerk to place article in Out & About looking for suggestions as to how it may be used and for volunteers to supervise.

Cllr Butcher to review current condition of Telephone Box and report back to next meeting.

101/16.5 Maintenance requirements - Seats

Cllr Butcher to check the seats and report back to next meeting

101/16.6 Tree maintenance

Cllr Butcher to undertake a review of the trees located on Common Land owned by the Parish Council and make recommendations.

102/16 Council Priorities and Supporting Organisation

102/16.1 Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Nugent reported that some progress had been made in reviewing the current unadopted plan. It was agreed to build an action plan as part of the plan.

The Clerk to send an electronic copy of the plan to Cllrs Nugent and Murray.

Cllr Huck to ask Mr J Giles who had done previous work on the plan if he had any versions of the plan beyond version 8.

102/16.2 Operable Website

This is under review

102/16.3 Traffic Management

This had been discussed in item 96/16.2

102/16.4 Emergency Plan

Cllr Newman reported that this should be complete by the end of October

102/16.5 Pylon Campaign/NWCC

Cllr Savage reported that the Parish Council group was established and totalled 15 Parish Councils with others approaching to join.

Contact had been made with Electricity Northwest and they had been invited to talk to the subgroup and those with a vest interest ie Whicham re the building of the sub-station and are awaiting dates for the meeting to be set up.

National Grid have proposed workshops with details of the route prior to the official launch of the Consultation Document at the end of October.

Stakeholder Groups would be held the day before.

NWCC have booked The Green Village Hall for a public event on 11th November .

Copeland Planning have made it clear that they want a tunnel under the Duddon

103/16 Reports from representatives on outside bodies

Parish Council Co-ordination Group

Proposed by Cllr Newman, Seconded by Cllr Murray to accept the Terms of Reference of the Group...


A letter had been received from Mouchet requiring information about land owned by the Parish Council. This information had already been given to Fisher German acting on behalf of NWCC. The Council instructed the Clerk not to respond to the request.



The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm MONDAY 7 November 2016 at The Hill Village Hall.

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.15pm

Signed ................................. Date......................