PowerPlusWaterMarkObject357831064Minutes 8/1/18




PRESENT: Clr D Savage (Chair), Cllr B Wright (Vice Chair), Cllr W Huck, Cllr Kitchingman, Cllr I Lockwood, Cllr G Napoletani, Cllr P Murray, Cllr A Nugent, Cllr L Butcher and Cllr A Calsy,

Borough Cllr G Scurrah

PCSO P Booth

1 member of the public

101/17 APOLOGIES Cllr Gray, Cty Cllr K Hitchen

102/17 Exclusion of Press and Public

None required


Cllr Wright declared an interest in Agenda item 6.3 – English coastal Pathway

104/17 Minutes of Meeting held on 6th November 2017.

The minutes of the 6th November 2017 were approved and signed by the Chair

Proposed by Cllr Lockwood, Seconded by Cllr Napoletani

105/17 Police Liaison Report

A report had been received from PCSO Booth and previously circulated. Concerns were expressed that the report was vague with regards to incidents reported. This to be brought up with PCSO Booth.


106/17.1 Fell View

Cllr Savage reported that he had received an email from Mr N Hayhurst Planning Officer at Copeland BC for an update.

CBC had received information that the Agent was preparing additional sworn declarations and affidavits’ regarding the personal and commercial use of the property. It was expected that an application would be received in the month of January after which discussions would take place between the Agent and the planning department. It was suggested that once the application had been made and before the application be considered, MWPC would write to the developer to arrange a meeting to discuss the plan and potentially visit the site as per with the Dunningwell application.

A residents meeting would also be called to update them on the application.

Cllr Murray reported that additional fencing had been installed to the front of the property to prevent people looking in and was higher than 1 metre. It was agreed to await for the application process to come to conclusion and pursue dialogue with the developer.

106/17.2 Lighting The Green

Cllr Kitchingman reported that the light at the Pump House was working. A suggesti0on had been made by a resident that an external light be attached to the stables over the bridge to light that side of the road. Cllr Kitchingman to pursue.

106/17.3 England Coastal Pathway

Cllr Savage reported that a meeting had been held on 24 November 2017 with Natural England and other interested parties. Their priority was an effective crossing over Duddon Bridge. It was noted that a foot bridge would cost approximately £400k and this was not cost effective.

It was suggested that the Duddon Estuary partnership to lead on this project as it did not just effect Millom without Parish.

A safety assessment was to be undertaken on pedestrians using the Duddon bridge.

Consultation on the project was expected in February or March.

106/17.4 Dunningwell Hall

It was reported that the recent bad weather and storms had presented further problems for the developer.

106/17.5 United Utilities – response re water supplies

No response had been received. Cllr Huck reported that he had received another letter.


Ms L Jones, Godmother to the owner of Fell View attended the meeting. She stated that she had been impressed with the precise of her statement and felt it was a very fair representation of her point of view and that the full statement was available on request. She stated that the owner of Fell View was concerned that no-one had approached him personally and that he found it easier to converse on a 1:1 basis.

Cllr Savage indicated that he would endeavour to contact the owner to arrange a meeting to discuss the issues/

Ms Jones was thanked for attending the meeting and left.


Cty Cllr Hitchen had sent his apologies and had nothing to report

Borough Cllr Scurrah stated that he had nothing to report.



109/17.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority


109/17.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.

None undertaken

109/17.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

7/2017/4091 Livestock building Notification of Intention (Agricultural, Q6g)

Thwaite Yeat Farm, Thwaites, Millom, LA18 5LA

Prior Approval not required


110/17.1 The following payments were approved:

L Cooper Re-imbursement for CiLCA Course £ 83.00

SLCC Membership £ 33.33

L Cooper Clerks salary and expenses £564.54

HMRC PAYE £119.80

110/17.2 To note the receipt of payments

It was noted that Ghyll Scaur Quarry Community Fund was up and running with a deposit of £9798.02

110/17.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements

None required

110/17.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 December 2017 and determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

None were required

110/17.5 To determine the Budget and precept for 2018/19

The Clerk presented the amended budget for approval. After discussion and clarification the budget was agreed.

The Clerk advised that the surplus was in line with guidelines to ensure continuity of business and that it was currently in the current account and should be transferred to the deposit account. It was proposed by Cllr Butcher and seconded by Cllr Kitchingman to transfer £10000 to the deposit account.

110/17.6 Grass Cutting tender

It was agreed to obtain comparative quotations from Copeland BC, Dream Landscapes and an additional company for the contract of grass cutting at The Green.

111/17 PCSO Booth attended (8.30pm) and explained that the majority of the road related incidents were vehicles stuck on Corney Fell as the “road closed” signs at the Duddon end of the road had been removed illegally. The Post Office robbery was still an on-gong investigation and he was unable to comment on it.

Concern was expressed by Councillors of members of the public’s lack of confidence in the Police Service following the Post Office incident, especially in the rural areas. PCSO Booth stated that there was a new Inspector for the area and he would raise those concerns with her.

Cllr Savage expressed a desire for Insp Jones to attend a future meeting.

PCSO Booth was thanked for the information and left the meeting.


112/17.1 Pylons

Due to recent developments with Toshiba and Nugent, it was felt that activity would recommence in the next few months. Cllr Savage reported that there were plans to reconvene the Parish Council Co-ordination Group in preparation of future developments.

112/17.2 Community Plan

Cllr Nugent reported that letters had been prepared to send out to the Steering Group and it was planned to have the first meeting April/May. Cllr Nugent was encouraged to set a timeline for the project and will present this at the next meeting.

112/17.3 Website

The Clerk reported that the launch date had been put back a week due to the illness of the programmer, but it was expected to go live in the next week.

112/17.4 Traffic Management

Cllr Savage reported that he had heard nothing from Kevin Cosgrove and was to request a meeting to move matters on.

112/17.5 Emergency Plan

This was expected to be ready for the February meeting..

112/17.6 Parish Projects

  1. Telephone Box

The Clerk reported that she had investigated the cost of a replacement door and this was over £900. The Clerk to pursue costings for a defibrillator to be installed without a door.

The Clerk to contact Roy Palmer for a quotation to repaint the telephone box with red paint.

  1. Tree Maintenance

At the request of Cllr Huck, clarification had been sought from Copeland BC legal team regarding the legality of undertaking the works. Copeland BC has passed this onto Cumbria CC legal team and it is hoped to have an answer by end of January 2018.

Cllr Butcher reminded that a precedent had been set as approx. 10 yrs ago works were carried out on trees by Lowther Estates and paid for by Millom without Parish Council

Cllr Huck stated that MWPC could apply to the Land Registry to take over ownership of the land in the absence of no known owner.

  1. Notice Board, The Hill

The Clerk had obtained a quotation for a new notice board. It was suggested that Joe Moyes, joiner and Paul Stewart, at the Network Centre be contacted to obtain further quotations.

112/17.7 Policies and Procedures

The Clerk reported that the introduction of the new Data Protection Act in May 2018 may require the post of Data Protection Officer and for the Council to be registered. She has booked onto a Course in March where more information and training on the new legislation will be presented.

Policy document – Retention of Documents Policy was presented and approved by the Council. Proposed by Cllr Murray, Seconded by Cllr Lockwood,

113/17 Reports from outside Bodies



The Clerk reported that the following additional correspondence had been received:



The next meeting to be held on 5 February 2018 at The Hill Village Hall at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 21.18

Signed ................................. Date......................