Minutes 5/9/16




PRESENT: Cllr D Savage (Chair) , Cllr W Huck, Cllr J Gray, Cllr I Lockwood , Cllr A Nugent, Cllr P Murray, Cllr Newman, and Cllr L Butcher

Cllr K Hitchin (County Councillor)

Cllr G Scurrah (Copeland Borough Council)

PCSO Booth

75/16 APOLOGIES , Cllr M Kitchingman and Cllr B Wright,

76/16 There were no matters on the Agenda requiring the exclusion of press or public


There were no declarations of interest


78/16.1 the minutes of the Extra-ordinary parish council meeting held on 1st July 2016 were approved and signed by the Chair

78/16.2 the minutes of the Extra-ordinary parish council meeting held on 19th July 2016 were approved and signed by the Chair

78/16.3 the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28th July 2016 were approved and signed by the Chair

79/16 Police Liaison Report

PCSO Booth reported that he had highlighted the concerns to the Speed Awareness Group (CRASH) and the issues of speeding at The Hill and at The Green are to be discussed at a meeting on Tuesday 13th September 2016.

PCSO Booth had used the hand held speed camera and noted that the speeds were greater from vehicles travelling towards Millom. The highest speed recorded was 52mph in The Hill (30 mph speed limit). PCSO Booth stated that he did not have the authority to stop/fine offenders but could only send a letter pointing out that an offence had been committed.

Crime figures are down to expected levels, but there had been an increase in incidents at HMP Haverigg.

Nationally cyber crime was up mainly fraud on internet and cyber bullying amongst young persons.

There had been an incident reported of a spiked drink in Millom and all persons are advised to be more vigilant when out.

PCSO Booth was thanked for his report and left the meeting.


80/16.1 Emergency Planning

Cllr Newman reported that there was some information still outstanding but he expected the report to be completed and issued to interested parties by the end of October 2016.

The Quarry would not allow plant to be used in an emergency due to insurance issues, but would support with First Aid.

80/16.2 Common Land

Cllr Gray reported that there had been little progress. Cllr Murray agreed to assist Cllrs Gray and Huck.

It was agreed that the project would be extended for 9 months with staged progress reports. Cllr Gray to submit a timescale and plan for the October meeting.

80/16.3 Traffic Management

Cllr Lockwood reported that a response had been sent to Mr Reeves supporting the proposals for the 40mph speed limit at The Green but requesting that it be extended to Hallthwaites/ Thwaites School. He had also invited the Traffic Management Manager to attend a meeting to discuss other traffic issues within the Parish.

Concern was expressed about the Dunningwell Hall development and the impact on the single track road leading up to it.

It was agreed that Stage 2 of the project would be to prioritize other areas of the Parish.

Cllr Hitchen requested a copy of the response as he was attending a meeting the next day where the issues were to be discussed.

The Clerk to forward a copy to Cllr Hitchen


No members of the public were present.


Traffic Management

Cllr Hitchen stated that he had reported all in item 80/16.3

Cllr Hitchen was thanked for coming and delivering his report.

The Chair welcomed Cllr Scurrah to the meeting.

Cllr Scurrah stated that he had nothing to report.

Of interest on 30 September 2016 at 7.30pm, Maurice Steel was giving a presentation at Millom’s Pensioners Hall called “It shouldn’t have happened”, looking at Cumbria past & future including the impact of pylons on the landscape.

Cllr Savage stated that MWPC looked to Cllr Scurrah to inform on what is happening within Copeland, especially around the pylons and planning process and informing the Parish Councils of Copelands plans and actions.

The PROPOSED Haverigg Wind Farm was of interest to this Parish. Electricity Northwest was ignoring requests to attend a meeting of the Parish Council. MWPC were not consulted at the initial planning application but wished to be included in the consultation process when the formal application was submitted.

Cllr Savage to write formally to Cllr Scurrah requesting information and assistance and pointing out the issues.


83/16.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to the Planning Authority

4/16/2285 Erect General Purpose Building

Low Bog House, Thwaites

Concerns were expressed as to whether this building would be used for business purposes and the Council is to ask for more clarification on actual use of the building.

There were also concerns expressed with regards to access to the proposed building

83/16.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved powers since the last meeting.

4/16/2273 Felling of One Ash and One Horse Chestnut tree protected by a tree preservation order

Brockwood Hall, Whicham

No objections were made but it was requested that the trees be replaced with similar planting.

83/16.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards to recent applications

None received


84/16.1 The following payments were approved:

Clerks Salary and Expenses £607.15

HMRC £130.67

84/16.2 To note the receipt of payments

Electricity Northwest – Wayleave £100.00

Lindley – Garage Licence Fee £ 50.00

84/16.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statement as at 5 August 2016. This had been circulated prior to the meeting and was checked by the Cllr Kitchingman and was signed in his absence by Cllr Lockwood as a true record.

84/16.4 Budget Comparison Report as at 28 August 2016 was considered and it was determined that the following actions were required to address deviations:

Increase the budget for Village Hall rentals from £120 to £240, this to be taken from the underspends on Insurance, Internal and External Auditors fees and CALC subscription.

Proposed Cllr Butcher, Seconded by Cllr Lockwood. Agreed by Council

84/16.5 To Approve and Accept the External Auditors Report for the Accounts 2015/16

The accounts for 2015/16 have been approved by the External Auditors who had no concerns. Notices of the approved accounts have been displayed on Notice Boards.

Proposed by Cllr Lockwood, Seconded by Cllr Nugent to accept the report.

Council Agreed.

84/16.6 To Consider what actions are required to be taken by a non-payment of Garage Licence.

A replacement cheque has been received


85/16.1 Feedback from meeting with other Parishes re Pylons

Cllr Savage reported that there had been a meeting with NUGEN in August as well as with Guy Kenyon, Planning Officer for Cumbria. Both meetings were to explain MWPC concerns regarding the NWCC project.

In August a Co-ordination group was set up with other Parish Councils along the west coast and around the Duddon to have a formulated response to the National Grid proposals. Currently 14 Parish Councils are part of the group. There has been good media coverage of the Group and their aims.

It was agreed that the Terms of Reference for the Group will be formally accepted at the October meeting.

Dan Hunt attended the last meeting of the Group and Copeland BC has become more actively involved through Steve Smith.

It was pointed out that the off-shore route would not be included in the National Grid consultation and it is important that Parish Councils focus purely on the onshore proposals when responding to the consultation.

85/16.2 Community Plan

Cllr Savage to send the link for the Broughton Community Plan to Cllrs Nugent and Murray. Cllr Butcher to send a copy of the Kirkby one to Cllrs Nugent and Murray

85/16.3 Skills Review

Cllr Savage reported that there were still some questionnaires outstanding. Cllr Savage to send forms back out to those who have still not responded.

85/16.5 Co-option of Councillors

Waiting for completion of skills review so that gaps can be identified.

85/16.6 Standing Orders

Cllr Savage and the Clerk to get together before October meeting to review and present to next meeting for ratification.

86/16 Council Priorities and Supporting Organisation

Nothing to report

87/16 Reports from representatives on outside bodies

Ghyll Scaur Quarry Meeting

Cllr Butcher reported that the rail head had been dismantled and taken away..


A letter of thanks had been received from the Citizens Advice Bureau for the donation.



The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm MONDAY 3 October 2016 at Thwaites Village Hall, The Green

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.10pm

Signed ................................. Date......................