Minutes 1/4/19





PRESENT: Cllr B Wright (Chair), Cllr L Butcher, Cllr P Murray, Cllr A Calsy, Cllr I

Lockwood Cllr J Gray, Cllr M Kitchingman, and Cllr A Nugent,

Borough Councillor G Scurrah

2 members of public were present

141/18 APOLOGIES: Cllr G Napoletani, Cllr W Huck, Cllr D Savage, Cty Cllr K Hitchen

142/18 In the absence of Cllr Savage (Chair), Cllr Wright, Vice Chair took the meeting.

143/18 Exclusion of Press and Public

There were no items that required the exclusion of press or public



144/18 Minutes of Meeting held on 4 March 2019.

The minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2019 had been previously distributed.

The minutes were signed as a true record by the Vice Chair.

145/18 Police Liaison Report

No report had been received.


146/18.1 Fell View

An email had been received from the Planning Department on 13 March 2019 with

responses to some of the questions raised by the Parish Council in their response to

the planning application. This had been previously circulated to councillors prior to

the meeting. As some councillors had not seen the email, it was resolved to have a

meeting of the planning subcommittee on Friday 5 April at 2pm to discuss the

additional information.

The Clerk was requested to re–send the 13 March email along with a copy of the

original response submitted by the Council to the planning application.

Cllr Gray presented an aerial view of the site that he had obtained from Google


146/18.2 Dunningwell Hall

The Clerk read out an email from the owner of Dunningwell Hall, reiterating that all

works being carried out, were to bring it up to a standard of a private house and that

there were no immediate plans for a change of use. There was a commitment by the

owner, that should further planning applications be sought that there would be

consultation with the Parish Council and local residents prior to submission.

It was resolved to accept the letter,


A member of the public questioned what year the image was taken that was

presented at meeting (see 146/18.1). Cllr Gray responded that it was a 2019 Google


A member of the public asked if a risk assessment or method statement had been

received from the contractor for the works carried out at the Pinnel Hole. He also


Minutes 1/4/19

pointed out that the deadwood on the oak tree that was identified as a high risk

hazard had still not been removed. The Clerk was asked to seek an update from the



Cllr Scurrah reported that he had spoken to the planning dept re fell View and was

informed that they were still awaiting additional information. There is a Wellbeing

event planned in Millom on Sunday 7 April 2019.

Cllr Scurrah stated that this was his last meeting as he was standing down as a

councillor. The Chair thanked him for his support.


149 /18.1 To examine applications for development and submit observations to

the Planning Authority

4/19/2109 Covering of silage pit (concrete yard) and cattle handling system to

keep rainwater separate from slurry and muck

Lowscales Farm, Millom

The council resolved to support this application

149/18.2 To ratify the observations submitted by the Clerk under devolved

powers since the last meeting.


149/18.3 To note the decisions of the statutory planning authority with regards

to recent applications



150/18.1 The following payments were approved:

Cumbria CC Payment for map of common land £ 5.25

150/18.2 To note the receipt of payments

None received.

150/18.3 To receive and note the bank reconciliation statements 28 February


The bank reconciliation statement presented by the Clerk was checked and signed

by Cllr Kitchingman

150/18.4 To consider the Budget Comparison Report as at 31 March 2019 and

determine action need to address deviations from the budget.

The Clerk reported that there had been a small underspend on the year’s budget and

that the overall balance/reserves would be approx. £700 over that recommended.

The accrual of reserves was to enable the funding of projects identified in the

Community Plan.

150/18.5 Land Licence Agreements.

The Clerk was instructed to write to the new owner of Style side with regards to the

Land Licence Agreement which needs to be regularised promptly.

150/18.6 Risk Assessment

The Risk Assessment had been reviewed by the Clerk and previously circulated to

Councillors for comment. Cllr Gray suggested that some amendments be made.

The Chair agreed to review Cllr Gray’s notes on the changes.


Minutes 1/4/19

It was proposed by Cllr Butcher and seconded by Cllr Calsy that the risk assessment

as presented by the Clerk be accepted. This was resolved by the council. The Chair

signed the risk assessment.

150/18.7 Annual Governance Statement

A copy of the Annual Governance Statement had been circulated to councillors prior

to the meeting for information. It was proposed by Cllr Gray and seconded by Cllr

Lockwood that the statement and duly signed by the chair as a true and accurate

record of the Council’s compliance.


151/18.1 Community Plan

Cllr Nugent reported that there had been a meeting with young mothers, who were to

research playgrounds in the surrounding areas and feedback to the Steering Group

with regards to child friendly spaces.

Footpaths the main concern expressed was the safety of pedestrians travelling

between The Hill and The Green and alternatives were being investigated by the

Steering Group.

There will be another meeting of the Steering Group at the end of April, where the

final Community Plan will be discussed, it is expected that the formal launch and

publication of the plan will be May/June 2019.

151/18.2 Traffic Management

Cllr Lockwood reported that a meeting had been held with CC Highways and the

results of the meeting will be circulated to councillors. There is meeting on 29 April at

Lily Hall, where speed problems will be discussed, Cllrs Lockwood and Savage to


It was noted that there had been a lot incidents involving vehicles on the School

Ellis/Dunningwell road during the recent road closure of the A5093. Residents are

known to have also logged complaints re this to CC Highways.

Cllr Lockwood has been requested by CC Highways to produce a map of Aggie’s

Lonnin. It is intended to put up signs to deter vehicles using it.

Cllr Butcher suggested that a sign should be erected at the entrance to The Hill to

prevent over large vehicles attempting to enter.

Concerns were expressed about the poor patching of the road at Duddon Bridge on

the approach to the traffic lights.

Cllr Butcher reported that Ghyll Scaur Quarry had approved the spending of £5k for

the purchase of 1 or 2 mobile speed indicators.

151/18.3. Parish Projects

a) Tree Maintenance

This had been addressed in Public Participation minute no 147/18

b) Bus Shelters

Cllr Gray reported that he had met with the Open Spaces Officer on 14

March and been referred to the Contracts Manager who could provide a

definitive answer on his return to work. Cllr Gray to update at the next


c) Litter bins in lay–byes

The Clerk reported that she had applied for a litter bin for the lay bye at

the bottom of Buckman Brow and was awaiting a response.

Cllr Butcher reported that the Quarry was going to look at the lay–bye

used by the quarry wagons when waiting to load to improve safety of all

road users.

d) Footpath Hill Brow


Minutes 1/4/19

Cllr Gray stated that he had strimmed some of the vegetation back and

was going to source suitable warning signs.

e) Derelict Houses

Cllr Calsy reported that she had been in contact with the Empty Homes

Officer who has been in contact with the known owners of the derelict

houses and was awaiting responses. Where appropriate the Empty

Homes Officer will involve Environmental Health where it is known there

may be vermin infestation.

It has been confirmed that the Parish Council does not own the derelict

buildings on the edge of the Pinnel Hole.

f) Public Rights of Way 2026 Challenge

It was recognised by the Council that two separate issues required

addressing under this heading:

i) Permitted rights around the Quarry

ii) Registration of footpaths that may/may not exist on the current

PROW maps.

There was some local interest to take this project forward and to present

recommendations to the Parish Council.

g) To set the date of the Annual Parish Meeting

It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting would be held at 7pm on

Wednesday 29 May 2019 at Thwaites Village Hall.


151/18.4 Policies and Procedures and Consultations

a) LDNP Local Plan Review

Receipt of the Local Plan review was noted.

b) Southern Boundary Next Steps

Community conversations will be held. A drop–in event is planned for 4 June

2019 at Thwaites Village Hall to be hosted jointly by Millom without and Whicham

Parish Councils. Plans will be available showing the proposed extension and

information on how it will impact.

The next meeting of the Southern Boundary Partnership is 7 May 2019

152/18 Reports from outside Bodies

3 Tier Meeting

Cllr Napoletani had attended and produced a synopsis of the meeting which is to be


Ghyll Scaur Quarry Meeting

Cllr Butcher reported that the rail facility was now back in agricultural use.


The following correspondence had been received:

The Clerk reported that notification had been received regarding the

changing of land at The Riddings which had been wrongly registered

as Common Land, (Cllr Gray declared an interest in this item and did

not take part in the discussions)


Cllr Gray asked if metal detectors could be used on Parish owned land this

was agreed provided that any finds be reported to the Council

Cllr Calsy reported that residents were concerned about building type activity

that was being undertaken in Gornal Ground Wood. It was agreed that the

Clerk write to the landowners as to their intentions and to Copeland Borough



Minutes 1/4/19

Cllr Gray stated that he had received complaints about dog faeces especially

at the Green Road station end of Aggie’s Lonnin and asked if a dog poo bin

could be placed there.


The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING and next meeting to be held at Thwaites Village

Hall, The Green on Monday 13 May 2019 at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 9.20pm

Signed ................................. Date......................